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I'm Angela, and this is my tale of sorts.

I met Nico when I was running away from monsters, which has been kind of a usual thing for me, I guess.


I was in a shrub, trying to hide from the Chimera, who caught my scent two days ago and has been pursuing me ever since. I remembered there was some hero who killed it once, but I couldn't remember how he did it, which both frustrated and annoyed me.

I was grumbling behind my bush as the Chimera prowled around the area, and that's when I had a pull in my gut, which meant that something - or someone - was going to appear. Something with a powerful aura of magic. The Chimera sensed it too, as it stopped its pacing to sniff the air curiously.

Did I mention what the Chimera looked like?

Well, it had the head of a lion, the body of a goat and a ten-feet-long snake-headed tail. Yes, tail. It was complete with a beautiful mane around its neck (which I adored, even though it was pretty terrifying),  venom-tipped fangs from the snake head, and breathed fire.

What a magnificent creature, isn't it?

The pull in my gut was growing stronger, and that's when I saw three figures materialize from thin air on top of a nearby hill, along with a huge statue that was about forty feet tall. 

My breath stopped. It was the Athena Parthenos.

Well, the Athena Parthenos is an ivory statue which portrays the likeliness of Athena, the goddess of wisdom. And, my great-great-great-who-knows-how-many-times grandmother. It was infused with the power of Athena, and was stolen by the Romans who wanted to belittle the goddess as they stripped away her warlike status when she was Greek. Since then, both sides have never gotten along.

That is, until the Prophecy of Seven arrived.

But anyways, I looked closer at the three figures in the darkness. One of them, a guy with black hair, wearing a leather aviator jacket, black T-shirt, jeans and black everything (except for his pale white skin), looked weak, as he was stumbling, holding on to a tall girl with braided hair and full armour, grasping a golden spear, who was clearly Roman. A praetor, too. A satyr was with them, hopping around on his hooves and carrying a large club. The images in my head clicked.

Coach Hedge and Reyna. And, Nico.

In the corner of my eye, I saw the Chimera creeping up to them, and that's when my brain resumed functioning. 

I ran up the hill, over to them. They looked over, and I saw the girl - Reyna - raise her golden spear, while the satyr - Coach Hedge - pointed his club at me. 

"The Chimera is coming," I said, ignoring the weapons and pointing down at the rapidly advancing monster, growling. "If you want to live, then come with me."

Sorcery & Shadows (Based on the Heroes of Olympus series)Where stories live. Discover now