Love In The Locker Room

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"Jack? You alright bud?" My friend Abby waved her hand in my face. I snap my head toward her direction. "Hmm?"  Abby rolled her eyes, "You've been daydreaming all throughout first, second, and third period." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Nothing just been a little distracted by stuff at home, nothing terrible honestly, it just won't leave my head." She nodded not believing me "whatever you say." Abby picked up her stuff and walked away toward her locker. I stiffened as I felt someone walk up behind me, "Hey Fagboy, suck any dick lately?" Mark, my main bully asked. I turned around and said "No but I bet you did." Mark's friend left to chase down Abby. Mark glared at me and bent down, his face was so close to mine I almost screamed. Before I found my voice he grabbed my hair and pulled me down  from my seat. Marks eyes flickered with an emotion I didn't know. He gripped my hair tighter and dragged me to the locker room. Once there, he grabbed me by the collar and pushed me against the wall. Mark smirked and leaned closer to me. He growled "If you tell anyone about this I will beat you till your heart gives out." I stared at him and started to cry. "P-pleae don't-t hurt m-me." His eyes glazed over with lust. "You know, I kinda like you like this. Begging me not to hurt you, it makes me feel....special." My eyes widened at the thought of him beating me into a pulp. He put me down and pressed his body against mine so I couldn't move. Mark grabbed my face roughly and kissed me. I tried to resist but he had me pinned. Mark pushed his body toward me and whispered "You make this easy on me, and I'll let you go." I didn't fully believe he would but he's just to irrasistable. I kissed back making him release his grip. I wrapped my arms around his neck and wound my hands in his hair tugging softly and making him moan. I pulled his body closer to me so there was no space left. The bell rung and he released me completely, pushing me out the door and said "till next time fagboy."

Ok, so I hope you enjoyed the first chapter haha, first one ever done by me.

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