7.) Real Life Achievement: Date a Gavin

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Ray: (whistles) That's a mighty fine coaster.

Jack: I wonder how tall it is.

Gavin: Why don't you IMBD it?

Geoff and Griffon heard a distant squawk as they carried the large cake to the picnic area behind the Ferris Wheel. Kerry hauled the decorations while Barbara handled the cups, plates and utensils.

Griffon: I wonder who Gavin pissed off this time.

Geoff: Who knows? I just hope he doesn't get his ass kicked before the party.

Despite knowing about it beforehand, Gavin was still stubborn about the party. It took both Geoff and Jack to carry him out of the house and into the car. Millie couldn't stop giggling as Gavin was forced to buckle up in the backseat.

Kerry: Nothing worse than a bruised birthday boy.

Geoff: Except AIDS.

Barbara: Or a bruised birthday boy with AIDS.

Griffon sighed as she and Geoff were finally able to set the cake down. Millie had been skipping along next to them, completely oblivious to the conversation. Such a blessing, she was.

Griffon: Alright. Me and Millie are gonna try out the games.

Mille: I'm gonna win a panda!

Geoff smiled fondly and kneeled down next to his daughter.

Geoff: Will you win me one, Millberry?

Millie: Okay, Daddy!

Griffon smiled and took Millie's hand, turning to Kerry and Barbara who had just made it back from their last trip to the car.

Griffon: You guys wanna tag along?

Kerry: Sure. Beats throwing up on a roller coaster.

Barbara: I could use a new pair of giant sunglasses. Ray sat on my other ones.

Geoff watched them disappear into the distant before heading back to the docks near the entrance where he last saw the guys. As he got closer, he could hear Gavin's squeak grow louder.

Gavin: JACK NO –


Laughter erupted from the group as Gavin flailed around before grabbing the edge of the dock. Ray tried to pull him up, but was laughing too hard and ended up letting go.

Ryan: That was amazing, Jack!

Ray: Already the best party I've ever been too.

Gavin finally climbed out of the water. He grumbled to himself as he wrung out his shirt. He scowled at Jack as he passed by, heading back to the parking lot. Conveniently he had an extra pair of jeans in the truck. Michael, still howling with laughter, jogged after him.

Geoff turned to Jack, holding his stomach.

Geoff: You planned that didn't you?

Jack shrugged, not even bothering to hide his smug grin.

Jack: I didn't plan on him being annoying. But I anticipated it.

Ray clapped Jack on the shoulder, sporting the biggest smile that anyone had seen him wear in a long time.

Ray: So. What should we ride first?


Gavin: Are you sure you don't mind me wearing your hoodie?

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