Chapter 2: Steps To Godhood (Hunter)

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                                   Despite living on a tropical paradise most of my early life, I found life here to be boring and felt it was time to leave. I wanted to leave the island, but even I didn't know the outside world like the others did. My dad had not set foot off the island since Jane and I were born and the idea of being the god of every being on Earth was something I was craving since I heard I would become one upon reaching maturity. One night however, I was out on the shores of the island and looked out at the beautiful full moon, it's light reflecting off the ocean below it and the sky rich with the shine of stars. The water was so inviting and so I decided to strip down and take a dip in the cool waters before me.

                                     I swam about for a good 30 minutes, then headed back on land to get dressed. As I dressed, I had a feeling I was being watched and looked around to see if someone was nearby. My x-ray vision penetrated the nearby brush and my thermal vision found nothing. My hearing however caught the sound of footsteps behind me and so I quickly turned around and caught the one behind me, with my hand around their throat. I looked at who it was and I was surprised to see it was Jane. "Jane goddamn it! Were you following me?" I demanded her, "Well no, dad sent me to find you, now let me go!" she replied.

                                   I released my grip on her neck and she let out a small cough. If she were any other person, she'd be dead in seconds, however since she was born from the same womb as me, she possessed the same powers as I did as well. "Dad sent you?" I asked, "Yeah, he wanted to see both of us and since I was there and you weren't, he told me to find you." she replied. "What does he want?" I asked, "He wouldn't say until both of us were present" she answered, "Alright, go tell him, I'll be there in a bit, let me just get dressed" I replied. She smiled and then ascended into the sky, flying back to dad's laboratory. As I promised my sister, I arrived there as well and found dad and Jane already present.

                              "Well son, glad you can join us" Dad said to me as I entered, "I was down at the beach for a midnight swim" I replied. He looked at my hair and got a good smell of sea water. He knew I was telling the truth, I mean he wasn't able to punish me. "Alright well now you're here, I have some great news for both of you" He said with a positive attitude. "What's that dad?" I asked, "Well it's been a very long time since I started here and I raised you to be the strongest of beings in the entire world." He said to me. "Finally, now that you're of age, it's time to you to ascend to divinity and become the rulers of all the world" He added. When he said this, I felt as though my heart bursted out of my chest and my brain blew a gasket. "It's time dad?" I asked him, "It is my son and you will take your rightful place as ruler" He replied.

                            "Finally, after all these years, I will be treated like a god amongst men." I said with pride, "You will be, however there is one thing that stands in your way" he said. My pride dimmed and I turned to him, "What might that be?" I asked him sarcastically, "The Crime Syndicate" He replied. "Crime Syndicate?" I asked, "Indeed my son, they are a group of would-be conquerers who attempted to rule through fear, much like how you will" He replied. In an hour, Dad allowed me to catch up on who the Crime Syndicate was and what they had done. Seems that their leader was Ultraman, a being of unimaginable might, who was strong enough to destroy anything and everything if he wanted. Superwoman was one who was very attractive and had a relationship with a fallen member of the team, Owlman.

                            Many members of their team, including J'edd J'arkus and even Johnny Quick were deceased and the rest were captured and placed in prison to await trial. This was done with the help of another world's Justice League, who aided my world's Lex Luthor against them and President Slade Wilson threatened to nuke them off the face of the moon. They had however since escaped and begun causing further havoc to the world and now overthrew the world governments and ruled as they pleased. "These are my competition? A group of beings who failed against another world's Justice League and now are rulers of the world's governments? Ridiculous!" I said. "Son they are a threat to your rule, however if you offer them a chance to join you, maybe some will aid you" Dad said to me.

                          "Those who don't will die a horrible death by my hands" I replied to him, "I doubt Ultraman will be willing to join someone who is a threat to his own power." I added. "You maybe right about that" Dad said, "Which is why we will go to Ultrapolis, then call him and his comrades out" he added. "You'll also need to look tough which is why I constructed these for you two" He said as he headed to a couple of nearby tubes. He pressed a button and the tubes openned, revealing two suits. One of which was tailored to a man size similar to my build and a smaller suit, designed to accommodate a female's build, Jane's. The suits were black with a golden diamond shaped symbols upon the chest with an H inside the diamond. The suits came complete with golden gauntlets, shoulder pads, boots and a belt, as well as a cape which went all the way down to the floor. The outside of the cape was black, which the inside was gold.

                        "I made these for when you two would be ready to ascend to godhood" Dad said to us. "They are beautiful dad. Indeed worthy of a god and goddess." I said. "What does the H stand for father?" Jane asked dad, "The H was something I had been considering for sometime and I decided on calling you Hybreed and Hybreedess." Dad said to us. "Hybreed? I like it, a perfect name for a god" I replied, "And a goddess" Jane said. "The suits are made from a neural interface, self-replicating nanotech. Indestructible to anything humanity or metahumans can throw at them" Dad said to us. I touched my suit and within a second's time, it latched onto my body and formed on my body for the first time. It was comfortable, despite it looking tight and moving in it was a synch as well. As I enjoyed the feeling of my new suit, Jane did the same thing I did and sooner than I thought, her suit was on her body as well.

                           "Your mother would be proud of you two" Dad said to us, "Indeed she would, had she lived through the birth" Jane said. "Once we become gods, I think I will make a statue to honor mom" I said to them. Dad smiled at this, "Well now that you are ready, tomorrow we head for Ultrapolis and will commence with our plans to dominate the world." Dad said. With that, I kept my suit with me, as did Jane and we both headed to our rooms and went to bed, come tomorrow would be the turning point of our lives.

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