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"Ms Lee....has only a few weeks to live" The doctor said to Heechul

"B-but how? I-I mean, why so sudden? She still has 4 months to live! Yah, doctor! Tell me you're joking! She still has 4 months, right? Tell me that few weeks to live is just a joke!!" Heechul raged as he put his arms on the doctor and shook him

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kim. I'm truly sorry. But I'm not joking. She really has 4 weeks to live" The doctor said quietly

"w-what is t-this?" They turned around to see Taeyeon teary-eyed

"Tae..." Heechul was lost for words. Now that Taeyeon has found out he do not know how to explain everything

"Heechul, tell me what is this!? What does the doctor mean that Sunny has only a few weeks to live!? Is she going to die!? Why didn't you tell me!? You jerk! I'm her girlfriend and I deserve to know!!" Taeyeon yelled as she hit Heechul on the chest as tears were running uncontrollably on her cheeks

"Taeyeon...please! I'm going to explain! Taeyeon please!" Heechul said as he held Taeyeon's hands to stop her from hitting him

"Taeyeon, Sunny....she has Leukemia. She has that disease for 2 years. But then, she was unhappy. Her ex-boyfriend, Sungmin  broke up with him. Tae, if you're thinking that I'm only using you so Sunny would be happy before she disappears, then you're thinking wrong"

"When I saw you laid your eyes on my waitress, I immediately knew that you'll make her happy. And I swear, there wasn't a single day that i will not think whether to tell you about her disease or not. And I regret not telling you earlier. I'm sorry, Tae. I truly am" Heechul said as he put down Taeyeon's hands

Taeyeon shook her head and ran away finding a place to cry. To shout. To let out her feelings.


Jessica was strolling around the streets of Seoul. She missed Seoul a lot and she was glad that she came back. But still, she haven't saw her yet. Kwon Yuri. Her life. Her whole world. The world she left behind to follow her dreams.

She stopped in her tracks and looked up and saw a billboard with her in it. She was very popular around the world, especially in Korea, her hometown. She closed her eyes and took a deep breathe

She did not regret following her dreams. What she regret was she didn't agree for a distance relationship. She regret asking for a break up and now she do not know what to do.

She has never move on. In front of the camera, she smiles and let the whole world know that she is happy. She's happy with her life and career. But when the camera isn't facing her, tears will immediately fall down her cheeks that only a few know the reason behind it

But suddenly, one question struck her. A question she never asks herself: Did Yuri already move on?


"Tae...." Yuri was shocked to see her best friend burst in her office as tears were running down her cheeks

"Tae, what happened? Why are you crying?" Yuri asks as she put went beside Taeyeon and comforted her

"Yuri...Yul...S-Sunny...She...She has....Leu-Leukemia. She just have....4...weeks...to...l-live" Taeyeon could hardly speak due to crying. She placed her head on Yuri's shoulder as Yuri comforted her

"Tae, don't cry, okay? Be strong. For Sunny. If she'll know that you're being so weak like this, it'll break her heart. Be strong, Tae" Yuri said as she continue rubbing her palms on Taeyeon's back

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