Stalker Much?

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Bella's POV

It was after the signing. I had a great time. One girl gave me and Andy matching bracelets. I was the last one to get on the bus. I looked over to the flickering street lamp, and someone was standing on the post. I squinted. Was that JD? Nah. Wait yes. I could see his big brown eyes. He gave me the creeps. I shivered, and walked inside, trying to forget him. Andy saw me and asked what was wrong. I told him it was nothing, then climbed into the bunk.


I woke up at about midnight. I decided I needed fresh air. I grabbed my bag, and my sketch book and some pencils. I snuck around Ashley and the bus driver, and got out the bus without them noticing me. I walked over to the field across the street, sat down and starting drawing the full moon. After about five minutes of drawing, I heard snapping twigs, and leaves crumbling. I pulled Ashley's hoodie tighter to my body. I felt a strange presence. I turned around, and I almost screamed. There was JD. He held my shoulders and told me to calm down. I put my hands on his, and dug my nails into his pale skin. He let go, and I stood up and brushed the leaves off my ripped skinny jeans. "What do you want?" I asked tapping my foot. "Listen Diana, I mean DJ. I am so sorry for you know. And I wanted you to come back to Wildwood with me, maybe forget our past, start over." He said, begging. "Why the fuck would I come back with you? After what happened? Seriously. What are you even doing here anyway? I thought you HATED rock, so why'd you come to the concert?" "I heard you were playing with the band, so I bought tickets, so I could come see you. Please come back." He pleaded. The wind was blowing hard. He came closer to me, trying to kiss me. He almost got to my lips when I screamed, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!!" I stomped on his foot as hard as I could and ran to the tour bus.

I saw Ashley inside the bus, with everyone else, awake, looking for me. I banged on the bus door, and CC pulled the lever that opened the door. I ran inside and jumped into Ashley's arms. "Dayum girl, you're freezing. Where were you?" He said in a worried tone. I pointed to the clear door, revealing an angry JD, who was pounding on the door. "Oh." He said. Ashley, Andy, CC, Jinxx and Jake all went outside, to go scare JD away. "Do you seriously wanna mess with my babe?" Ashley said. Jinxx and Jake started chasing him. Andy picked him up, and surprisingly threw him in the dumpster. That made me laugh so hard. They all got back on the bus and instructed the bus driver that we should head for our next stop, Maryland. Ashley lifted me up, and placed me on the bunk. "Now, what were you doing out there?" He asked. "I needed some fresh air. I didn't know he would be out there. I'm sorry." I hugged.Ashley as tight as I could, not wanting to let go. "You do know your my one and only right?" I asked, reassuring him that I loved him ever so much. "Yup. And I will never forget it." He pulled me in, and we kissed, for a while, then we cuddled, and I fell asleep on him. I don't want to loose him. Ever.

Rebel Love Song: A BVB Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now