Twilight Fanfic chapter 2

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Twilight Fan-fiction Chapter 2

A/N- Hey guys did you like my first chapter?? I hope you guys like this second chapter...


I couldn't believe Jake was standing right in front of me he had grown huge. If I wouldn't have known Jake before I could've sworn he took steroids. How did he get that huge and ripped? Then something caught my attention. There was an awful horrible smell penetrating the air. The smell radiated around Jacob and suddenly realized what he was. I and Jasper let out a loud snarl. I remember this scent all around La Push. "What happened to you, I bet that filthy ass bloodsucker of yours did this huh? I swear I'll kill him I'll track him down for what he did to you!" He growled. "Jake what the fuck you decide just to show up now and talk about him like that you left me and hurt me too so don't act like you're the good guy here just go both of you I am not forgiving any of you don't talk to me ever again!" I screamed at them. Jasper was still growling quietly in the background. I ran up to my room and slammed the door. I was so mad at all of them basically at everybody. I was mad at Laurent, Edward, Jasper, Jake, Alice, Esme, Carlisle, Emmett, Rosalie and the list goes on and on. At night I went outside to go hunting and I was still pissed at them I was about to grab two deer I heard swift footsteps behind me. I quickly ate the two deer not turning around and ran to a different location. I saw a mountain lions and nabbed it when I finished with my meal I heard footsteps behind me again. I turned around and saw Victoria there standing there with her vibrant red hair and her maroon eyes simaller to Laurent's. "Victoria?" I asked not sure if I was even alive. "Yes Bella Where is that Edward of yours he didn't leave you did he?" She asked with the bone-chilling voice that had haunted my dreams before I was a vampire. My heart ached when she said the name Edward but I pushed that feeling down and replaced it with rage. "You bitch you know that he's gone. (A/N Edward leaves because of Victoria not Jasper there was no paper cut) You ruined my whole fucking life I will kill you right now at this point if I die I don't care because he's not coming back. Just don't fucking ever come back and screw with everybody I care about if I die."

I said with anger towards her. I really hoped I could beat the shit out of her. I used to watch Emmett and Jasper practice fighting so I hoped I could remember the tactics. Victoria lunged at me but I dodged from her. I lunged at her and ripped of one of her arms off and set it to the side. We fought for a few hours she only bit me once but I successfully managed to rip her apart and quickly got match and set the pile on fire. I ran back home and sat dawn and pulled out my favorite book out Wuthering Heights. After reading for a few hours I heard fast non human running vampire steps. Oh no I thought what if Victoria had friends what if other vampires came to kill me. Then somebody broke down my door. I crouched in a defensive position and let out a growl. That's when I saw bronze hair, pools of golden hair for eyes. He was back. Edward was back.

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