Cheeky Monkey

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"We're trying to help a business make business not the other way round," I said folding my arms annoyed.

"Any suggestions then," Derek sighed

"Have I not explained it? We need to do a marketing survey"

"That's too much work," He facepalmed

"They have no idea who their market is. They are stuck understanding who to target. Creating a research will give us an idea," -

"But we don't do market research," he cuts me off.

"That's why we go through a company who specialises in that area!" I scratched the side of my head. "You are so thick headed Derek"

I was so frustrated at Derek. He has taken on a project that we clearly could not do due to our resources.

I left the room as Derek was bickering about my unprofessional tone and language. There is only so much I can handle from him, he's a no brainer. He's great at Tech but when it comes to planning he has no idea what he's saying.

Rachel our receptionist waved me down as I walked into my office. I took my office chair.

"Hey Josh, I'm going for lunch. But there's a man named Levi at reception waiting for you," she smiled.

"No" I replied. Right now isn't the right time. I'm under pressure and the last thing I need is another headache.
I told her to tell main reception to give my business card to him, and to only call after four in the afternoon.

There was a tap at my door.
"Come in"
I was busy writing out some errands for Rachel.

"Did you know,"

I looked up to see Sean pacing around my office.

"Did you know"-

"Did I know what Sean?" I rolled my eyes.

Sean is in our design team, he's my mastermind when I want a great design done. He does it with no fuss. He's great to work with, easy to get along with, and has an eye for detail.

"Take a seat please you're making me anxious too," He took the seat in front of me.

"My girlfriend is strange, she hasn't been home. She has given little love to Ben. What's wrong with her," he flopped his head on his chest.

"She doesn't even work, she doesn't even clean, she doesnt do much but sit around, and looks at her rectangle screen" I continued his list.

"What's wrong is that I have no time to give relationship advice because I am currently having my own  delimma,"

"You have relationship problems too," he looked at me confused and surprised.

"No," I leaned forward to quietly speak to him. "Do you remember that story I told you? About Noah." He nooded his head yes.

"The father is back." He acted surprised.

"I have three words for you Dump-Her-Ass," I smiled.

He slumped his head on my desk. "It isn't easy...she's the mother of my child."

"You're the father of Ben you should know what's best for him. She's rarely around," I spun myself three sixty facing him. He still had his head on the desk.

"If you don't know what to do by all means, do what you want. I can't keep giving advice or keep feeling sorry for you when you're not actually listening. I'll comfort you, support you but it's up to you. Go with your instincts."

"Ok" he said. He got off the chair and quietly exited. He didn't say bye nor salute as he sometimes do.

My message tone had rung. I opened my phone, it was a text from Levi.

Meet me at Bar 56.

I replied no.

It was after 4pm I packed up got all my paper work that needs to be done at home. I was the first to leave as always. I said goodbye to Rachel and colleagues who I passed.

I walked down to the train station. My messanger went off. I opened a text from Levi then my phone rung.

I answered.


"Hey, meet me at Cheeky Monkeys"

"Sorry I can't I have to pick up Noah from after school care."

"Why don't we do dinner?"

"I can't, I'm busy"

I was feeling a bit mean that I've  been ignoring him. I looked around it was about to rain so I took cover under the convenience store.

"What about tomorrow? I can meet you for lunch," I regretted.

"Sounds good," he replied. He hung up before I said anything else. How rude.

I made my way down to the train station. The platform was packed with workers and school children. I had to pick up Noah from after school care before 5:30pm, otherwise I'll get charged.

I stepped forward closer to the train track so I'm not the last one in. I felt two hands touched my shoulder which gave me a fright. I turned around.


He laughed at me with a cheeky smile. "You should have seen your face" he kept laughing.

"Very funny" I rolled my eyes. "Aren't you suppose to be at Cheeky Monkey," I said annoyed.

"Since you weren't coming I decided to catch the train back home." He stood beside me. "Where you off to"

"I have to pick up Noah"

"I could have done that for You"

"No, It's best not to. You can't come out of nowhere then decide you want to be apart of his life" I didn't look at him I looked straight a head observing the tiled wall.

"I know...I just thought I could help out."

"You can't forget what you did to me," I started to get furious I hate that memory. I tried to push it out but it never left.

The train arrived. "This is me, I have to go" I didn't say no more but jumped into the train. I took my seat. The train wasn't packed which is unusual.

"I want to make up for those times," Levi took a seat next to me.

"This is not your train," I said annoyed. I was going to the north side of town to pick up Noah, which is three stations away from where I work.

"I'm making an effort!" He sternly replied.

"Just slow yourself down!"

"I want him back"


"He's my son"

"You can't expect to come out of nowhere, and expect me to say "oh sure take him, he's your son". I've done a lot to keep him healthy and wealthy! Where were you then? Where was your family when they knew I had your their kid with me" I stood up furious and looked down at him.

"You fucking used me! you made me your boyfriend because you knew I would do anything for you! But I'm not that teenager you once knew," I stormed off, glad that my stopped had arrived.

It has obviously never crossed his mind that I have done so much for Noah! I've sweat my ass off to get us to where we are now. I've sacrificed my whole youth to look after Noah, and now his biological father decides to poke his head where it doesn't belong!

felt the tears built up, but I quickly ran to the toilet to save the embarrassment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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