I'm a perfect creature. Literally.

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Mk, here are about the first 1000 or so words...tell me if you like it, pleasee!! 

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Basically, its a story about this girl who isn't human. She was created in a word where the inhuman peoples walk the earth. 

Okay. that sounds SUPER melodramatic. Whatever.

Here it is:

I frowned as I looked at my schedule to discover the next horror the school had planned for her. The class was Advanced Trigonometry. Advanced Trigonometry in seventh grade - I knew these people were advanced but c'mon! I knew she could handle it, but I was used to sleeping in a class three grades above her level and still scoring perfectly. Now, I would actually have to study, some. I mentally shook her head; it wasn't worth her distraction, though. I made her way to the next class with her laptop and printer in hand. The teacher, I had heard, was insane. I went to the class. It turns out Advanced Trigonometry was super ridiculously easy. And the teacher was pretty cool - totally the type of teacher I liked. He wasn't repulsively hideous in his habits and he was fair and organized. He told them the way his class worked. He told them that they would download the files they would use for class during the first third of the class. Then, he would explain lesson in the next third And the final third was devoted to starting on their homework. Halfway through the final third, he allowed students to send him questions about the homework. By the end of class he would have a folder half-filled with Advanced Geometry was going to be great. Next, more torture for sure. Yep, just as I had imagined: Religion. I was non-denominational. Well, I was trying for Unitarian Universalism, but things like opinions concerning the world were difficult. Made even more difficult by my rather morbid fascination with different religions. I did not like forming opinions based on sketchy knowledge and religions should be no different. All right, all right, so I don't have much enthusiasm for taking the initiative and learning about religion through believers. I know most customs of most major religions but I haven't really taken the time to talk to a true believer about their Faith. Doesn't it just sound imposing? Religion, [Yikes!] meaning "strict faithfulness" Still, though, it is rather impressive. Or perhaps oppressive. [I store my printer in my locker] I head to the next class. I don't even make it through the doorframe when I am struck brutally. I stand there motionless as I digest the information that my eyes send me. I don't understand. I thought this camp of a school was Catholic! I look more closely and I suddenly can move again. The images lining the walls aren't icons, just icon-like posters. I breathe heavily, which means the person next to me as I walk into the class might just be able to hear me. Usually I can fade easily into the background, that is, until I am noticed for the first time. I am a chalky pale, except sort of translucent (don't get worried - its just that my veins are more visible and my skin is, well, sort of translucent) past my collar bones. I have a very diminutive stature - Im anor. My eyes are bright purple to black or light lavender gray or anything in between really- they change. My hair also changes color but it is absolutely perfect. Actually, I am absolutely perfect in every single way. Of course, it's not natural. Yep, I was created in a test tube. It's true, I am 100% created. I am a creature. People used to make fun of me; at least is until they figured out that I was not worth competing against. The only [NOT 'only' - she *cannot* be normal] side effect - besides living in quarantine for the first three years of my life - was that I was widely hated and rather feared and barely appreciated past "a new scientific discovery." Not to mention the only person who could have come to accept me died when she was two. I never even got to touch her. She was my clone. Sure, we can clone people now, just not me. So I, the so-called "heavenly gift," the un-clone-able and therefore unmatchable scientific discovery, the freak of the generation, the headliner for 47 long weeks, the author of a header for 47 weeks of the New York Times Bestselling book-list, am an experimental creature, one whose race would be wiped from the world in a World v Perfect genocide in short order if the scientist stop or continue their fun. I am the weapon of the future. I made an effort to sit down lightly on the edge of the plastic chair with my posture perfect and obtain one of my Personas this - one is of 'slight curiosity,' and waited for the teacher to begin. I examined him closely. He was slightly taller than average but nicely proportioned. He was young but seemed mature past his age. He seemed rather worn but somehow satisfied and there was an openness to him that was comforting. For some reason I thought he spoke French. I supposed he was the first pro to Religion. Still, I would have to sit in his class and appear interested for 30 grueling minutes each horrible day I attended school. Still a pro was a pro and not a con and I suppose that is all I could ask for. Yet. Religion - Catholicism, what next? Somehow I endured the following first lecture.  

"Hello class, my name is Pius Villa." I blinked in surprise in response to the name. Holy/upright country house - what a peculiar name, sure I knew some people with Latin names but this, this was weird. Maybe even weird enough not to deserve a nickname. Nahh - let me see. I'd heard of the show House... and the main character's name was Gregory. So Villa's new nick-name was Gregory. despite the fact that he seemed a tad nicer than House from the show. Maybe Hugh would be better. Or both.  

His sharp eyes caught my blink especially, I was sure, but he continued without pause. 

"To start of this year it will be required of you to introduce yourselves, tell your age, two things you like to do, your favorite color, number and one interesting fact about yourself. You will start here and continue to the right and then to the left. Please commence."




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