Chapter 5: Let me at him!

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Been ages since I've uploaded but I finally have :D


Bella's POV

So 4 months have passed and i feel like 9 months have passed, i wished these babies would just get out of me already!

I laid on my bed waiting for Esme, Alice and Jane. They said they would take me out of my room for a bit, i looked at my stomach...

There was a little flag sitting up there,

"Hey!" i said, i tried to reach but couldnt, i heard muffled giggles from Alice and Jane.

Esme appeared and took it off my stomach, and smiled while Jane and Alice groaned.

"Awwww, Esme!" moaned Alice and Jane together, I glared at them both.

"She could have hurt herself and the babies" said Esme, Alice and Jane looked guilty.

"So you what are you going to do about Edward coming here?" asked Jane with a huff.

"He is what?!" i almost screamed.

"JANE!" yelled Esme and Alice, I wiggled out of my laying position and got up slowly.

"Bella! Your in no condition to be walking around" said Alice,

"To hell with that!!" I said loudly, I practically waddled down to the throne room. I greatest Aro, Marcius and Caius and smiled,

"Bella, I thought you were resting?" asked Aro, thought I would pay a visit to a "friend" when he gets here!" I said putting hate on the word friend,

"Of course" said Aro with a chuckle, I heard the doors open and Heidi come in. Her heels clacked along the marble floor,

"Their here sir..." said Heidi, Aro smiled and looked at me, I re-positioned my self so that he could see me but not my stomach and nodded at Aro.

Heidi walked off and shut the doors behind her, a few seconds later they opened again and Edward came in with a blonde hair chick with gold eyes and Rosalie and Emmett following behind them.

Edward had been looking at the floor and then looked up and looked at Caius and Marcus and then Aro, he then noticed me and almost tripped. He was close to the throne chairs,

"Bella...?!" he asked, I stepped out to show him my stomach.

"Hello asshole!" I said and his eyes widened and he fainted! He actually fainted, Alice and Jane were beside me and walking me away from there.

"Where are we going Alice?" I mumbled,

"Bella... Your water broke!" said Jane, my eyes widened. There was a wet sensation in between my legs,

"Oh shit!" I said, "I didn't on the throne near Aro right?" I asked,

"No, just went we were leading you away" said Alice, we went into this room for me to give birth in. I sat of changed so I could give birth, and then sat on this table and waited. Carlisle came and said I wasnt ready yet, I kept getting pains every once and awhile.

After 10 minutes Carlisle said I was ready to give birth to the first one,

"Okay on 3 push ok? 1, 2, 3! Push!" said Carlisle, I pushed, Jane held my hand on one side and Jasper was in the room calming me down.

After 10 more minutes I gave birth to a little baby girl, 35 more minutes later I gave birth to a little baby boy.

"Awwww, what's the girls name?" asked Jane when I held my baby girl.

"Summer Jaliceme Swan, Jaliceme is a mixture of Jane, Alice and Esme" I said,

"Bella, you didn't have to" said Jane about to cry,

"Want to hear the boy?" I asked and Jane nodded,

"Charlie Carlisper Swan" I said, Jane smiled and I held my two babies in my arms for the first time.

Charlie was the first to open his eyes, he had green eyes...

Like Edwards, and Summer had my eyes.

I stared into both the babies eyes when I blanked out...




Jane's POV

I could hear both Summers and Charlie's hearts, they sound like humming birds. Also Bella's heart, but there was something off about it.

The machines we hooked Bella up to was showing something bad...

It was growing weaker! I saw Bella pass out, I quickly took Summer and Charlie and put them on the baby table,

"Carlisle?!" I yelled, the machine around starting to beep as Bella's heart went dead.

"Get Demetri!" yelled Carlisle, he began CPR.

I ran in vampire speed to Demetri and told him to come quickly.

We raced back were Carlisle had a vile of venom in his hands,

"Demetri, mouth to mouth and CPR, keep her stable while I inject the venom. He nodded and proceeded with CPR, I stood there not sure what to do.

I felt a wave of calmness over me, I turned and saw Jasper standing in the doorway, I nodded a thanks.

I heard Carlisle fixing the needle then stabbing it in Bella's heart, he injected the venom and it began to spread.

Carlisle then took the needle out and the wound where he placed the needle started to bleed...

I felt hungrier then ever before, I felt strong arms wrap around me and pull me back. It was Jasper, I could tell he was having a hard time too...

I left, all I could her was Bella's heart...

It was changing...



I'm sorry that I haven't updated/uploaded!

Also I'm sorry that it is short!



















And yes, I added that to make it longer :P

Hope you enjoy :D



Fan if you want

Also the next chapter requires 10 votes or 8 comment

One or the other :)

Speeding mistake? Let me know so I can fix it up :)


Edward left me and im f-ing pregnant!Where stories live. Discover now