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Later that night, after she had a nice shower she went to her study desk, hung the towel over the chair and took a seat. She picked up her school bag and took out her stationery thingy and her books.

"Hmm... Homeworks for the whole weekend." She complained. She flipped through the pages, jotting down in her notebook and flipping the pages again. The hardwork only lasted for ten minutes when she put down her pen and leaned against the chair, rubbing her face in frustration.

Her eyes fell on her phone at the edge of the desk, reluctant to pick it up. But she couldn't proceeded with the killer homeworks anymore, so snatched it. Then there's that reluctance again. She tapped her head with the corner of her phone as she was thinking. "Should I?" But when her eyes fell on the homeworks in front of her, she abruptly stood up and plopped onto her bed.

"Screw it."

Her thumbs rapidly tapping the keyboard, and pressed 'send' without hesitation.

Haerin: Hi

The only word that she typed and erased over and over for one good minute finally sent to Jungkook. She anxiously waited, couldn't imagine how he would reacted to the fact that she texted him first.

It only took her 30 seconds to wait for him to reply when her phone beeped to a notification.

Jungkook: Hi 🙈

Haerin: um
Haerin: What are you doing?

Jungkook: Nothing. You?
Jungkook: wait, you feeling lonely again? 🥺
Jungkook: lets video chat then 🙈

Haerin: 😑
Haerin: No.

Jungkook: ouch 🥺
Jungkook: then what's up with the sudden texting?

Haerin: . . .
Haerin: nothing

Jungkook: aww come on
Jungkook: tell me
Jungkook: don't be shy I won't bite
Jungkook: unless you want me to 🙈

Haerin: Tell u what??

Jungkook: wait
Jungkook: are you, perhaps...
Jungkook: confess your love to me? 😍

Haerin: keep on dreaming Kook
Haerin: or do yourself a favour by keeping your dream to yourself 🌚

Jungkook: 🤣🤣
Jungkook: Speaking of dreaming
Jungkook: you're not the only one who had been dreaming about us

Haerin: Okay..? Wdym?

Jungkook: I dreamt that you said 'I love you' to me
Jungkook: How I wish it was real tho... ☹️😣

Haerin: okay first of all, what the heck
Haerin: second of all, at least I'm not the only one

Jungkook: but there's no way I can top yours
Jungkook: I mean, i only dreamt of you confessing your love to me
Jungkook: while you... dreaming of us kissing
Jungkook: like damn...can we switch dreams?
Jungkook: 🥵🥴😂

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