Message to America

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When will enough be enough? I hoped hat common sense gun legislation would be passed after 12 innocent people were slaughtered in Aurora as they were trying to enjoy the movie of the year. But of course, common sense isn't so common. That's why this was not the only mass shooting to have struck in my short life. Every generation has its tragedy. The baby boomers have the JFK assassination. Generation X has 9/11. But the millennials have something a little different, something more deadly than either of these events. We have more than just one isolated incident. We have over 300 mass shootings. A year. Not over the course of our lives or even within the past decade. No. More than one mass shooting every day, every year. Admittedly, not every mass shooting involves a staggering amount of people. But many do. Aurora saw 12 people, Sandy Hook saw 26, San Bernardino saw 14, Virginia Tech saw 32, Charlestown saw 8, and Orlando saw 49. Forty-nine people in one go. That's an American record. The worst shooting in American history. Seven of the top ten deadliest mass shootings have occurred within the last ten years. Coincidentally, in the past fifteen years, an assault weapons ban was allowed to lapse. Doesn't it seem strange that as soon as that ban expired, the number of mass shootings has vastly increased? Maybe it's the result of the hundreds of politicians who's balls have been put in a vice by the NRA. So long as they have their hands up your rear end, have them give you a prostate exam. These senseless acts of violence cannot always be stopped. But I guarantee you that the number and severity of shootings would drastically decrease if you used your three-day work week to actually do work. Enough with your thoughts and prayers being with the victims and their families. No one is listening to your prayers. If you had divine help, there wouldn't be hundreds of people dying every year. Mentally ill people with intent to kill would not be given the means to continue killing. You are doing nothing to stop the massacre of innocent lives. You are encouraging it. You are no better than the Omar Mateens, the Dylan Roofs, the Adam Lanzas. When will enough be enough? Get the NRA and the gun lobbyists out of your asses for long enough to make your own decisions. One vote could end the slaughter. Protect you sons and daughters. Protect your brothers and sisters. Protect your fathers and mothers. Protect your country and pass common sense gun legislation. When will enough be enough?

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