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"Have any of you guys heard from Jake?" I asked my friends, as I walked up to them.
They all shook their heads, and I huffed, pushing my hair out of my face.
"You still haven't?" Emma asked.
I shook my head.
"Nope. Nothing. No text. No calls." I said.

Not hearing from Jake was stressing me out, and it was showing.
"You alright?" Kieran asked me.
"I'm just a little on edge. This is weird. Jake always replies by now." I said.
"I'm sure you'll hear from him soon." Kieran smiled.

I heard voices from a few feet away. Jake and I were mentioned by these voices.
I tuned out my friends and listened in to the other conversation.

"Yeah. I heard Jake hasn't texted her in two days. I don't blame him. He's probably out with some prettier girl." Hayley.
"Summer never deserved him anyways." One of Hayley's dumb bitches of a friend replied.

I laughed, and my friends looked at me.
I took my purse strap off of my shoulder, and handed it to Noah.
"Hold this." I said.
Noah furrowed his eyebrows, and I turned around, walking towards Hayley.

A hand clamped around my wrist, and I quickly turned my head to see who it is.
"Its not worth it." Noah said to me.
I laughed. "They don't call me the vicious Belmont for nothing Noah." I pulled my wrist from his grasp. "Its definitely worth it." I said, turning back around.

I walked over to Hayley.
"Do you have something you'd like to say to me?" I asked.
Hayley didn't say anything.
"Thought so" I laughed.
I quickly swung my arm up, and back handed Hayley, and she stumbled back into the lockers, holding her cheek.

Her friends came at me, but I easily shoved them back.
I pushed Hayley's shoulder, making her fall onto the ground, landing on her stomach.
She flipped herself over and looked at me. I put my foot on her stomach, and pressed down lightly, making Hayley cough.
"Oh honey. Look at you." I smirked.
Hayley scowled at me and tried to get out of my hold. I added more pressure to her stomach.
"You see Hayley, you act tough. But you can't even get out of a light foot hold." I laughed again. "Jake isn't here to pull me off of you this time. So let me give you a fair warning. Next time I hear you talking about either of us, my foot goes up a little higher, and uses a little more pressure. Okay?" I said, hovering my foot over her throat.

An arm wrapped around my waist, and I was pulled away from Hayley.
"Cmon tiger. Jake wouldn't be too happy if you got suspended again." Audrey's voice said.

I removed my foot from Hayley's stomach, and stepped back, grabbing my bag from Noah and walking straight out of the school.

I started walking towards my car, and sighed when I looked at the empty parking spot where Jake would be parked.

When I pulled out of the school parking lot, I drove to Jakes house, to see if he was home.

I pulled out my keys, and found the key that Jake had given me to his house.
He gave it to me in a weird way, but I took it anyways.
I took a deep breath, and stuck it in the lock.

"Jake?" I called, opening the door to his house, and stepping inside.
Nobody answered me.
"Jake its Summer." I said, walking to his living room.

I continued walking through his house, until eventually making my way upstairs.
I walked up to his bedroom door, and slowly opened it.

I looked around his room, and heard the sink in his bathroom running.
The door was cracked open slightly, and I held my breath, walking over to it.

I slowly pushed the door open, and Jakes shower was running.
"What the hell" I said, and walked over to it.
I pushed the handle down, turning off the water, and looked around the bathroom.

I walked back into his bedroom, and sighed.
His bed was unmade, and a few of his dresser drawers were hanging open.
His closet door seemed to be off of its hinge, and I furrowed my eyebrows, walking over to it.
I grabbed the door, and looked at it.

My phone dinged, nearly making me jump out of my skin.
I pulled my phone out of back pocket, and read the text message on the screen.

Jake: Had to go out of town. Will be back for the Lady of the lake ceremony. Love you.

I sighed, and smiled.
The lady of the Lake ceremony was in a few days, and I was one of the nominees, along with Brooke.
I responded to the text, and left Jakes room.
When I walked back down the stairs, I made my way to the front door, locking it and leaving Jakes house.

What I didn't see when I left the house, was writing on Jakes mirror. Written in blood.


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