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No music yet!!/

"This doesn't look like a typical party" I said as Emma, Audrey and I walked into the building the party is in.
"That would be because its not. It's representing a murderer." Audrey said.
"Where's Noah? He'd get a kick out of this" I said, and Audrey shrugged.
"I'm gonna go look around" I said.

As I walked around the party, I noticed Stavo standing in a corner, and walked over to him.

"Hey" I said.
He smiled. "Something tells me Emma and Audrey didn't plan this." He smirked.
"Of course not" I laughed. "The question is, who did" I looked around that party.
Brandon James masks at everywhere, and it wasn't hard to tell the killer planned this.

All of the sudden, the power in the building turned off, and Stavos hand latched around my wrist.

"Its okay" in said, squinting at him in the darkness.
He let me go, and I turned on my phone flashlight.
"What the hell is happening?" I said.


Within the next 30 minutes, the party was evacuated and the police had arrived.
Audrey had seen my and told me that Piper's body was in the building, and I cringed.

Play the music now

After finding out all the new information, I went home.

I sighed as I grabbed my laptop, and headed downstairs.
I sat on the kitchen island, scrolling through a website, and eating chips.

My mom walked in the door and set her stuff down before walking over to me.
"Boston Law School?" She asked.
"I'm a senior now mom. Time to start thinking about college. A career." I said, looking up at her.
"I thought you wanted to study medicine." My mom started putting away groceries.
"I did. But I looked into law. After going through what I went though after losing Will and Jake, I want to help prevent that. I don't want people to go through what I went through." My mom smiled.
"Boston is actually having a campus tour this weekend, I was thinking about going." I said.
"Well if this is what you want, I want it for you. I can get you excused from school so you can tour the campus." My mom said.
"Would you go with me? I don't want to leave you here alone."
"I'd love to, but because of work I can't. What about one of your friends?"

I thought for a minute, before grabbing my laptop and running upstairs.

"Hello?" Eli said through the phone.
"Hey, Eli."
"What's up?" He asked.
"So, this college I'm looking into is having a tour this weekend, and my mom can't go, so I was wondering if maybe you want to go with me?" I asked, picking at a thread on my sweater.
"I would love to go with you" Eli laughed.
"That was easy, thanks." I laughed.
"When do we leave? And how long will we be there?"
"Tomorrow actually. 11:00am. And tomorrow through Sunday night, maybe Monday morning".
"Noted. See you then." Eli said.
"See you"

I smiled, putting my phone down, and getting up to pack.

My mom came in and handed me a small suitcase.
"I'm proud of you Summer. You're growing up right before my eyes. Becoming a beautiful woman." My mom hugged me, and pulled away, grabbing something out of my closet.

"You have to take this. Wear it the day of the tour." She said.
I smiled, looking at the floral open shoulder dress in her hands. It was a present from Jake.

I looked back at up at mom.
"Gonna pick some shoes?" I asked, laughing.
My mom smiled, and pulled out a pair of brown gladiator sandals.
I took the items from her and set them on my bed, and started looking for more clothes.
"I'm gonna go make dinner, I'll bring you up some when its ready" she said.
I nodded, and turned on my music.

I took a quick shower after packing, and my mom brought up dinner.
I pulled out my laptop that wasn't yet packed, and bought the plane tickets, and got a hotel room.
Thanks to Jake, I have a membership that makes me be able to get plane tickets and hotels anytime I want.

I ended up on a recipe website, and found a cake recipe that sounded good, so I got out of my bed and walked downstairs.

My mom looked over at me, and furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm gonna make a cake" I stated.
"Okay" my mom laughed. "I'm gonna go to sleep. Just clean up your mess when done"
I nodded, and got out the stuff I need.

While I was making the cake, there was a knock on my door.
I looked at the clock on the wall.
11:00 pm.

I slowly walked over to the door, and looked through the peephole.
I let out a breath i didn't realize I was holding and opened the door.

"Noah? What are you doing here?" I asked.
Noah shrugged. "I guess I don't know. Are you making cake? Without me?" Noah walked into my kitchen, leaving me at the door.

I turned around to see Noah pick up the icing.
"You know, icing was once used as a murder weapon. It was such a weird story.". Noah said, and I laughed, taking the cake out of the oven.
"Well, you came over, so help me decorate the cake." I said.

Noah and i decorated the cake, and both got a slice, sitting down on my couch.
Noah grabbed the remote and started to turn on a Halloween movie.

"No no, no murder documentary's" I grabbed the remote. "Halloween Town" I said.

Noah laughed, and I rested my head on his shoulder, and he rested his head on mine.

"Could you imagine me as a witch" i said to Noah, taking a sip of water.
"Imagine you as one? I thought you're already one" Noah laughed, and I shoved his arm.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I did.

A/N- Oo yikes its been awhile. Sorry )):

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