if he was there *reader x flowey*

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The only time u reset is because,well u love flowey and u can't help it! But u felt different this.....time line?

Your POV:!
"Flowey!" U were screaming for a few min...mabey he was scared???? U search until u see:
(Longest POV evah XD)

Floweys POV:
Were is (y/n)!?? I...need.... Her...before chara come-

(Y/N) walked in and seen flowey....crying "f-flowey!!" "(Y/n)!!!" He seemed....cut everywhere.... (Y/n) sits down crying kissing his petals and finally his mouth "I love u.". "....I love u more (y/n) don't forget it. ". Flowery gives (y/n) a heart shaped chocker and kissed (y/n) head "f-flowey its beautiful!" (Y/n) exclaimed while trying to get bandages for him "thank u...I love u....just promise me something." "W-what?" "Kill the da*n chara!" ...".....I will." "Now....goodbye (y/n)...." "NO! DONT LEAVE ME!" (Y/n) blinked trying to hide tears she blinked 5 times then opens her eyes to dust on the ground the words playing in her head kill chara. She/he storms off with the chocker in her/his hands filled with determination

Hi!! Hope u guys like!!

Shringold: wth I'm mean it has love in it
BEN: .......It didn't have water :'(
Author: u guys shut up.

Vote! Comment! And feel bad for asriel

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