papyrus x reader: papywine

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Hi cue the story of papywine

(Y/n) hands me the noodles I put them in the pot she plants a kiss on me and I kiss back this is what we have been doing this for a while!!! NYEH HEH HEH IM SU HAPPY (no one take my catchphrase!!!!!! )
( btw u guys are dating!!! :D XD)

Ahhh happy aniversiry to us! I'm so glad we made it through 2 months without sans killing me!!! Today....I have a surprise for pap~

~TIME SKIP BY BANANA BUS~ venoss gaming anyone??

"Pap! Come here!" I put something in my hands-a wine bottle to be exact and I set on his bed in a nightgown he walks in "YES (Y/N)?- WHAT ARE U DOING?" he lowers his voice "Is ThAt WiNe?" *remember he's loud so ye* "shhh! Come here!" U giggle he sits beside u and grabs the bottle "are u drunk...?" He asks "no!" U take his scarf off and grab the bottle "(y/n).....should I tell sans ur drunk" "I'm not drunk papy!!!! Ughhhh" I open the bottle and show him the lable it says papywine he grabs the bottle fast his face red "d-dont!!!!!" Wut?....."why pap?.......uhhh pap?" He's dumping it out the window "uhhhh..(y/n) u know when the AUs came?" "Yes..?" "A-and the authors character?" "yeah why?" "U-um uf pap and Drawlador *mine my character* w-were up here and-" omg...."omg! Hahhahahahahhahahahah " I keep laughing I'm so gonna tell Lizzy about this! (Paper jammys character) "let me continue!!!!!" "OK pap....." "Anyway u know how there both evil? Anyway they started looking through Drawladors backpack and found blood and they mixed it up and now....its called papywine because uf pap drank it.....and he kinda had to be held d-down around the mean way....but the uh......sexual way........." why is there still some in the bottle? "Uh pap what are u doing with the rest of the bottle?" "I have an idea~" he creeps toward u with the drink in his hand " let's try it~" his face goes red and before u know it the rest of the bottle was gone,he creeps on me and whispers in my ear "was this gonna be ur suprise~~" he bites my earlobe...shit

~le time skip~

*next morn u go downstairs* "hey Drawlador!" "Hey,have u seen a bottle labeled papywine???" " yes,me and papy drunk it last night" she seems shocked the door flings open its uf pap and sans "THERE U ARE DRAWY! HAVE U FOUND IT!?" "No....." "OK.....SEE YA AT 6 THENhe closes the door sans smiles "thx (y/n)! I was trying to get rid of it!" Sans laughs and says "I helped getting ya to the bone zone kiddo" he walks out my face goes red uhhhhh papy walks down stairs and bridal style picks me up "WANNA CONTUNIE? OR ARE U SORE~?" "PAP!!!!!" "Uhhhhh I'll go!" Drawly walks out before uf pap can tackle her

.........omg *face goes red* why did i write this!?!?
Uf pap: SO U DID FIND IT!!!!!!! WHY DIDNT U TELL ME!!!!!!!!
*hides in a closet* guys....don't tell him!!!!
Uf pap: OHHHH DRAWY! ~~~~~~~~
Sans: can I kill (y/n) now for going to the bone zone?
Me: no! Shhh we had a bet! *teleports him money and ketchup to pah his tab*

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