Beginning pt. 1

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3rd grade

I sat down on the slightly damp grass. Away from everyone. They all hated me. And I hated them. I was known for being quite and scary. Whenever someone comes close to me, they'd run off.

I watched the time and the world go by. Wondering when it's time for a change.

"Excuse me?"

I was brought out of my thoughts. A boy smiled and looked at me. I gave him a deadly glare. "What do you want?"

"I just saw you sitting here alone, and I wanted to join you. I'm Anthony, by the way. What's your name?"


He sat down next to me, and I moved slightly to the right. "Marylin. That's a pretty name."

I looked at him. He wasn't serious. Everyone was afraid of me. How come he isn't running? "Tell my parents that. They made me."

He laughed. I smiled. What wait? I never smile! "I just moved here, so I'm kinda nervous."

That's why he wasn't scared of me. He's new. But I wanted him to see the scary side of me. I didn't want to get too close to him. He would get hurt. So I got up and walked away. I felt him grab my hand. But I also felt something else from his touch. Weird.

"Marylin, wait!" I stopped. "Where are going?"

"It's better if you don't stick around me."

"But I want to."

I forced my hand out of his. "Good luck in this school. If you need anything, ask me, but only of your desperate."

I walked away. No one has ever held my hand. So I shook that feeling away, and kept walking.

Anthony's P.O.V

The feeling of her hand still lingered on mine. I didn't want her to leave.


I turned around. "Alex!"

My twin brother hugged me tightly. "Who was that beauty you were holding hands with?"

I punched him lightly on the arm. He pouted. "Didn't dad tell you not to keep saying that?"

"If he says it, then why can't I?"

I punched him again. "I just met her. But she just walked away from me."

"I think you meant, 'I just met my future wife,'." I punched him a little harder. He winced a little. "Ow... I'm telling mom."

"Go ahead. I don't care."

An evil smile soon came upon his face. "Alright. I'll tell her everything."

I rolled my eyes. The bell soon rang and we parted ways to get to class. I sighed in relief as he left. Why do brother's have to be so complicated?

I walked into class and found an empty seat. I pulled my stuff out and quietly waited for the teacher.


I turned my head to the right.

"Oh, Marylin! I didn't know you were in this class." I gave her smile. She looked angry. Was it something I said...?

"That's not the only thing you didn't know. You're in my seat, dumby."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll mov-"

"Don't. The teacher's here already."

She walked away. Moving to the back. She gave me her seat. Marylin gave me her seat.

Does that mean... she likes me?!

I got out a piece of paper and wrote something down.

"Good morning class, my name is Ms. Messenger. Before we start, we have a new student with us. Anthony, please come to the front."

The teacher came in, and called me to the front. I quickly finished the note and stuffed inside the desk. Then made my way to the teacher.

"My name is Anthony, and I can't wait to be friends with all of you."

Some people were whispered, 'Yeah, everyone except Marylin.'

I didn't like that they were saying that about her. She seemed like a nice girl. I had to at least say something. "Especially, you, Marylin."

Everyone gasped. Marylin looked me in the eye and scowled at me. It was that look only mom would give me if I did something horrible. Like soaking all her bras with bleach to clean them.

"O-Okay then. Did you find a seat already?" I nodded and pointed out the seat. "I'm sorry, but that's Marylin's seat. But if you do like sitting there, then I suppose I could -"

Marylin spoke. "Are you not even going to consider my opinion?"

"I'm sorry but your opinion doesn't matter. We're talking about Anthony, not you."

"If I were you, I'd talking about my resume."

I smiled and chuckled.

"I have never been so insulted in my life!"

"Really? I never knew you had one."

It's so hard not to smile.

"Go to the principle's office! Now!"

"Why don't you go?"


"Deten- Principal Maxwell! I-I didn't hear you come in."

It was the principal. Ms. Messenger was in deep trouble now. I took a step back, and watched the feud to continue unraveling.

"That's because you've been busy finding ways to ruin both your job and your life!"


"Your fired. Leave."

The teacher walked out. Anger followed her. I looked at Marylin. She seemed shocked and content with what she did.

Was the teacher always that mean? Was everyone that mean to Marylin?

The principal cleared his throat. Then told everyone not to worry, and that he'll take over the class in the meantime. "Marylin," He looked at her, "this isn't your fault. I was going to fire her later today due to parent complaints. I'm sorry that all of you had to witness this."

Marylin had no reaction. But were people still going to make fun of her?

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