
447 21 0

march 8th, 2013

your birthday is tomorrow. there isn't much to say today, because i did the same thing i always do, which is either cry and feel hollow and prickly or i don't cry and still feel hollow and prickly. like a fucking cactus. i love you today too. pattern broken. it feels good. maybe i should go to the park and be a child, for a little while at least. innocence is a power of the young, when they're grown up is when it gets worse. the veil of childish innocence is yanked off your face and you can see the harsh reality of adulthood.

i went to the park. it was cold. pennsylvania is a cold state in march. i wore summer clothes so i could feel the icy hot air burning(freezing) my skin and probably causing some frostbite. it's more than i've felt in a while which is okay by me.

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