Chapter 6

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Math was okay, our teacher Ms Bell handed out sheet after sheet on trigonometry and said that whatever we didn't finish would be homework while she walked over to her desk and got out a book to read but ended up falling asleep after 10 minutes. No one did any work we just talked and played on our phones until the bell rang for lunch and when it did you should of seen how fast Ms Bell jumped up in her seat lol it was so funny because she ended up falling out and landing on the ground with a loud 'THUD'. Everyone was trying to stifle their laughs while walking out the door but some weren't so lucky and ended up laughing out loud which earned themselves a detention, they weren't laughing after that.

At lunch they were serving steak and hamburgers with a side of fries or salad. I grabbed a steak burger with salad while Selena and Jake both took a hamburger with fries. Those two are so much alike it scares me.

The food was great, we made small talk over it and then it was time for gym. Mr Lack our gym teacher made us do running the whole lesson to see what our speed was like and I was fine with that because I love running, I could run for hours on end.

Now it was time for fighting class and just like the hunting class, this fighting class was for the people who couldn't shift yet, wait WHAT!

"SELENA!" I yell.

"WHAT?!" Questions Selena

"Starting tomorrow your not going to be in this class or the hunting and skills class anymore because you found your mate and you're going to shift tonight," I realised.

"I-I forgot about that, at least I will be in the other classes and still your roommate" she says sadly walking towards me for a hug. Next minute we're crushed between another set of arms, we look up and see Jake looking at us with a sad smile on his face.

"Come on fight class is just about to start" he says already dragging us to the middle were the class was already in a circle surrounding...Well would you look at that Mr Dowd. I looked towards Selena and she had the biggest grin on her face, you could tell she was already so in love.

We joined the circle just as Mr Dowd finished saying that we were going to have a fight off because he wanted to see were everyone was and who were the best. So we all got into pairs with the same genders and started fighting. Then whenever someone won they would fight another winner but if you lost you had to sit on the bleachers. There was 10 minutes of the lesson and we were down to our last pairs of fighters, Jake fighting a guy who's name was Derek and Taylor fighting me. The boys went first and it was a close fight but Jake had Derek on the ground before Derek was able to do so.

"Lastly Taylor and Rose. Please make your way to the mats and begin when I say go" Mr Dowd said loudly, quieting the students who were cheering on Jake. Taylor walked to the mats while I practically skipped, now I can hit her ugly face and not get into trouble and got into fighting position, waiting for the signal.

"1, 2, 3 and GOO!" Mr Dowd yelled causing the girls to smirk at each other. I didn't attack first though, I knew better so instead I looked at my opponent and searched for any weaknesses I could see and there were heaps. She wasn't protecting herself very good, instead all she was trying to go was hit me with any chance she got but I was able to block them all, so I faked a yawn and Taylor growled clearly getting frustrated. I pulled my arm back and swung forward with so much impact, it hit Taylor's nose with a sickening but satisfying crunch. Taylor fell to the floor screaming and crying.

"She broke my nose, the bloody b***h broke my nose and on purpose!" She screeched, blood poring down her face. If she had shifted already then her nose would of been healed up now because when you shift your healing becomes rapidly quicker but since she hasn't yet, blood was still gushing out until one of her minions Rachel grabbed a towel for her. "You will pay for this, I'm going to tell my father about what you did."

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