Chapter 19

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"SHE'S YOUR MATE!" Rose screamed happy for her friend, "w-what, when, how, what. OMG your going to shift either today or tomorrow" She states baffled.

"When I picked her up to carry her here I felt it, the mate bond click into place but I don't know what to do, she's been through so much." Jake said scared. "Can you please tell me what you say?" He pleaded.

"I can't, sorry Jake. I promised Lydia and I feel that she should be the one to tell you and you should also be with her at all times right now, especially since she's close to changing. She will tell you when it's necessary, just give her time because she's been through a lot." Rose said sadly but confidentially at the same time.

"Okay, thanks Rose. I really did need this talk" he says thankfully hugging Rose and saying bye before making his way to Lydia's room.

Walking out to the front of the hospital, I was surprised when I saw Cameron still here but then jealous when I say Taylor sitting next to him, her hand on his arm.

"Come on sexy, why don't we get out of here and find a quiet place to get to know each other better?" Taylor asked trying to sound seductive, purring at the end which sounded absolutely horrible, it was as is a cat was dying.

Rose looked at Cameron and it broke her heart to see that he had a smile on his face, nodding his head as if he was agreeing with her.

"No way, not in a million years would I want to get with you. I have a mate already who is 10x's more beautiful, kind hearted and loyal than you will ever be in your whole life. So get up, go away and find someone else who's willing to touch you and take the risk of getting an STD cause you won't be getting me." He said in a disgusted voice, getting up and walking toward were I was currently half standing, half hiding behind a pot plant. "Come on Baby, I don't want to be here anymore." Grabbing Roses hand and dragging her out of the nurses quarters.

"God that girl is so annoying, ever since I came here she's been trying to get me into bed but it's like she never learns because every time she asks me I turn her down with an insult. Yet she keeps coming back, I mean I know I'm irresistible but she's like a vulture." He states.

"Your ego is way to big for your body" Rose replied, shaking her head at him laughing.

"I have no idea what your talking about, nothing about me is small, you'll see that later" He whispers the last bit into her ear. Laughing out loud as he pulled back to see her face bright red.

Tugging her along he wrapped his arm around her waist and walked her to her room door. Talking about useful things.

"Go on, you need to get a proper goods night sleep." He said pushing her into the room.

"Wait" grabbing his hand before he let go, "will you stay with me tonight?" She says shyly, eyes looking downwards.

"Of course I will, anything for you" he relied softly.

Walking to her room after closing and locking the front door she opens the door and let's him in.

"Cute room" he says.

"Thanks" Rose replied blush covering her cheeks.

Walking into her closet she locked the door and changed into her pjs. Walking back out she ease Cameron already in the bed, making her way over to him, he lifted the covers and patted the spot next to him.

Getting in he wraps an arm around my waist and drags me towards him so that we were cuddling.

"Good night" Rose said, her eyes dropping in exhaustion.

"Night baby" was all she heard before she fell asleep.

When I woke the next morning I was still wrapped in Cameron's strong arms which were surprisingly comfortable. His head was buried in my neck and he was still sleeping. Needing to get out of his hold I slowly unwrapped his arms from me and grabbed the pillow I was sleeping on to put in my place. As soon as I got out I slipped the pillow in place and watched as he snuggled into it, awe  he looks so cute. Getting my phone I quickly took a couple photos then walked into the closet to grab some clothes.

Matching red under garments, a red crop top with small crowns covering it, black high waisted shorts, my black converses and leather jacket.

Once I've got my clothes set I walk into the bathroom and do my business and shower. I have to wash my hair because I didn't last night so using my lavender scented shampoo and conditioner I proceed with cleaning my hair.

Trying to be quick I jump out of the shower after 5 minutes, drying my hair to put up in a high pony tail and my body. Getting dressed in the clothes, then putting my jewellery and lip balm on. With that done I take one last look in the mirror, yep this looks good and then I walk out turning the light of and closing the door.

"Ahhhhh" Rose screamed. Once she had turned around from closing the bathroom door she was met with Cameron's face and let me tell you the face he was pulling was terrible. It looked like he was constipated so I laughed, out loud in his face.

Grabbing my phone I quickly took a photo and showed him what he looked like. Although I don't think he liked it very much because he pulled a disturbed face and tried to take the phone from me but he didn't succeed because I put my phone in my bra.

He looked at me, eyebrows up a surprised look on his face before he grinned slyly and walked slowly towards me.

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