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The next morning came. I was up before anyone else. The first thing i did was go back to the river so i can rinse of my face.

"What are you doing up so early?" I popped up right away frightend.

"I told you not to sneak up like that anymore Jessica."

"I enjoy scarying you though." she said with a smirk.

"Haha very funny" I said

"But for real what are you doing up."

"Who said i even went to sleep."

"Why didn't you go to sleep."

"I don't know i guess seeing david got me over pertective so i took lookout all night to make sure no one was around."

"You shouldn't be worried about David im pretty sure he can take care of himself."

"Yah i know i just wanted to make sure."

"Well atleast you care so thats good."

"Yah i guess."

Jessica went back in the cave. I decided to stay out for a little bit to catch some crayfish and trout. As i walked on the sand i noticed something swimming in the water. It was big and fat. I took off my shoes and socks off right away. I jumped into the water and grabbed it. I got slapped in the face with the fishes tail in the process. As it wiggled and swermed it got out of my hands and swam away.

"Dangit i guess thats the one that got away." i said to myself.

Then i started thinking about the song that has those lyrics. Well i had that song stuck in my head i started walking again with my shoes, and socks in my hands. Finally i came to a spot that was full of trout and crayfish. As i jumped in i hopped back out right away saying "ow." When i looked down there was 6 crayfish on each leg pinching my pants.

"Having fun there."

"Does it look like im having fun, how bout you hop in and lets see if you can do any better traye."


As traye hopped in he put his hands in the water and waited. After a while he came out with 4 fish and 20 crayfish.

"Show off." i said.

"I know its a gift."

As we walked back to the cave we saw a man in the distance.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" david asked.

"We were fishing." traye answered.

"Oh did you guys catch anything?"

"Yah" i answered.

"Who caught them?" david asked.

As traye was trying to take all the credit i interupted him and said "me." Traye looked at me and gave me a death stare as i stared back grinning.

"Who said you guys can leave?" david says with attitude.

"Dang when did you become so pertective over us david." i said.

"Well um im suppose to be pertective over you guys your my little brother, and sister."

"Its okay david it wouldn't be the first time we would be off on our own." traye said.

"I just wanted to make sure you guys were okay."

"Yah were fine." i said.

As we all walked back to the cave we were talking about how we are doing in school and how traye and i are thinking about making money by selling shoes. When we got back into the cave hailey and jessica ran up to me and traye hugging us. Well hugging me hailey didn't wanna go near traye because he smelled like fish.

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