Chapter 16

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  [A\N: Hi guys! First of all, I'm so sorry for not updating. This month has been a hectic mess. We were moving apartments and also my laptop broke so I had to update on my phone. Further updates are gonna be late too, because my laptop broke because of my own stupidity so my parents are quite mad with me. They'd would probably not going to repair my laptop anytime soon, so I have to update via smartphone, which is damn annoying. So sorry in advance. BTW enjoy the chapter.]

Everyone stared at screen except the certain redhead, who was actually looking at the whisked blonde. Naruto, feeling a burning gaze on her, turned to see Gaara. She gave him a soft smile but in return he turned his attention back to screen. Frowning, Naruto too turned to the screen. If only she looks at him, she would've noticed the reddening cheeks of the the ichibi jinchuruki as he sneakily stole glances of her.

"Sensei...." Kakashi glanced at Tazuna as he hesitantly continued, "I have to to talk to you." His voice was gravely, "It's about the mission.... You're right. This job is most likely outside of your duties. It turns out, there's a super dangerous man after my life."
"Aren't you a little late to say that?" Mikoto glared at the screen, "I swear if Sasu-chan even got a scratch because of him, I'll find him and end him."

Sasuke internally cringe at the 'cute' nickname his mother call him by.

Naruto looked torn between making fun of the nickname or tell Mikoto that Sasuke got more than a scratch. He actually died even it's for few minutes.

Instead she gave a sheepish grin.

"Super dangerous man?" Questioned Kakashi, "who?"

"You've probably at least heard his name once before...."

"......" Was the Team 7.

"A shipping magnate named Gatou."

"Gatou?" Rasa repeated. Karura gave him questioned glance.

"You know him?" She asked.

"He is said to be a richest business man." Hiruzen answered her. Itachi, Shisui, Kakashi, Minato and Rasa nodded.

"Huh! Gatou?!" Kakashi was stiff in alarm, "From that Gatou company? He's said to be one of the wealthiest people present."

Tazuna signed, "Yes...officially he runs a large shipping company but, secretly he sell drugs and other illegal items using ninjas and gang members to take over businesses and countries... He's a very nasty man. It was a few years.... Gatou set his eyes on wave country. Through violence and money he quickly took the control of country's shipping industry. He has now a monopoly of all the business traffic in the country. The only thing he has to fear is completion of bridge."

Sakura rose a curious eyebrow, "I see... So, you're in his way."

Sasuke face twitched in irritation, "Those ninjas were hired by Gatou."

'I don't get it', Naruto thought with a deadpan expression.

"Why it doesn't surprise us?" Sasuke mumbled under his breath.

Kakashi stopped walking, "But what I don't understand is.... If you you knew that ninjas could be after you, why did you hid that fact when you hired us?" He looked at Tazuna.

"Because, he's an asshole." Everyone sweat dropped at Kushina's comment.

"The wave country is very poor. Even the feudal lord has no money. So, naturally we don't have either. So, we can't afford an expensive B-rank." Tazuna signed dramatically, "......Well, if you quit the mission now...... I'll be definitely killed....."

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