Prussia's accident

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Francis unlocked the door to his house and welcomed the 3 in. The first thing Antonio did was call his boyfriend, Romano. Francis and Matthew sat on the couch together and Prussia leaned against a wall drinking wine from the bottle. They all listened as Antonio flirted with Romano so much that they could hear Roma' yelling at him to shut up. Antonio went into the bathroom so the others couldn't hear him and so Matthew turned his attention to Gilbert again.

"U-uh Gilbert" Matthew said, blushing madly.

"Vhat?" Gilbert asked and Francis looked over and started laughing. "Vhat?" He repeated and Francis pointed to his crotch. Gilbert looked down and saw a huge wet spot there. "Serviously!?" Gilbert yelled and he shoved his pants off, along with his underwear, making Matthew turn bright red and cover his face with his hands.

"What the hell, eh?" Matthew yelled

"Hey /Francey/, do you have any clothez here?" Gilbert asked Francis

"No I leave them all at England's house" Francis replied, still giggling.

"Um, y-you can wear mine" Matthew said, looking down at his old jeans he was wearing. They would probably fit him since Gilbert was only a half centimeter taller than he was. Except Matthew was skinny and Gilbert was buff. But the jeans were baggy on Matthew so they'd probably fit.

"Aw, zanks, man" Gilbert said as Matthew took off his pants and boxers and gave them to the man. Matthew then quickly took a pillow and hugged it close, cover up his private part, now red all over.

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