I Know He's.. Committed.

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        In a matter of time, through the school, mountain and short walk to the building, we made it on time. Barely. It was better than nothing. I wasn't doing the best today, being sick and all. I mentally cursed at myself. I had a shift later tonight too! I couldn't miss that! God.. It was going to be hard. The day seemed to rush by but yet felt as an eternity.

Time was confusing but I didn't want my headache to go off the charts if I started to ponder about that. Afterschool Koro-Sensei gave me some advice and I nodded, leaving the classroom to find Maehara. "You didn't have to wait.. I probably inconvenienced you."

"Pfft, come on Isogai, name a day I haven't walked home with you? You've waited for me, I've waited for you in the past. You're silly." The blonde ruffled my hair and I laughed, coughing in the end. He quickly apologized and I nodded, walking alongside him.

Being around him was the hardest. I felt worst, both good and bad. Although my happiness was through the roof, my chest throbbed. It was forbidden love. Why? Why can't I just be happy? I'm having family troubles, being the broken foundation for my small, soft-hearted family. This was another thing making me crumble.

As for the good.. With the exception of my family and E Class, Maehara was my source of happiness. That fascination and relaxing moment when the cherry blossoms come in bloom, sadly they were only for a short while. He was the opposite, time length. For the short amount of time I got to hold onto the feeling of those pastel pink beauties, he helped them linger on. He helped everything good linger on. Most would've forgotten the joy and fascination of the pink flowers, I, however, remembered because of Maehara.

I've known Maehara since elementary, we've always lived on the same street, went to the same school, been in the same class. Same everything. I knew he was more than this player, jumping girls like you would jump the gun. In general, Maehara was a great guy. Given the chance he would be committed to a girl, it had to be the right one.

I'm not sure what goes on in that part mind of his he doesn't share with me, but I know he's good. If he's stuck with me throughout this whole time, comforting me and caring when times got rough, I know he's willing to commit romantically.

There's a bit of hope in me wishing it'd be me, but again, straight as a wooden ruler that kid is. "Isogai?" In my train of thoughts I heard that voice, his voice. The voice that I could get hooked to like a drug, "Yeah? Sorry.. I'm out of it right now.." My voice was raspy. Sounded horrible.

I looked at him as he gave me a warm smile, "Thought so." He reached into his pocket, his hand sliding back out with a silver key. I always forgot he had an extra one. Throughout all this time, he's been a well-respected person in my family. Or.. what's left of it at least. They know of his constant girl jumping game like one would jump from underwear but that didn't bother them.

I followed the slightly taller male into the house, taking my shoes off before making my way to my room. "I'm home!" I called, wondering if anyone was home just yet. Sighing I gently placed my bag on the chair and threw myself onto the bed.

Maehara didn't come in until a couple minutes later, medication in a hand and a cup of water in another. "Take them and rest, I already talked to your mom earlier this morning. I'm doing your shift, kid." He stuck his tongue out of slightly and I could feel myself practically blush. "I can do it.. I'm not feeling that ba-" The look on his face told me to stop speaking and accept it, I glared at him and sighed. I could never win with him! But it was kind of cute how he was so responsible, surprisingly. One more thing, Maehara was this all-around goofball around everybody. Even me, but when time calls, he's ready to play the responsible best friend card. Like he is now.

Still, that smirk with the small snirking already told me he was slowly sliding that card back down his sleeve. Without hesitation I took the medication, drained them down and relaxed.

This whole sickness thing was a sensitive topic for me. I rubbed my eyes which welled with tears, "Before I pass out.. Maehara, can you do me a favor?" I looked up into his golden brown eyes. "What's up?" The slang, that slang that his addicting voice laced so perfectly in.

"Can you like, hold me?" I laughed out at how ridiculous it sounded. "While I sleep? Y-You.." He sat down on the bed before I could finish, causing me to trail off. "Don't say anymore." One look and I knew he understood, nodding in response I laid down. Maehara followed, adjusting himself before his arms wrapped around my body. This could not be good for my fever. Didn't take much longer before I ended up falling asleep, comfortably in a straight boy's arms.

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