II. Crepuscular

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"I hope you know that every time I tell you to get home safe, stay warm, have a good day, or sleep well what I am really saying is I love you. I love you so damn much that it is starting to steal the meaning of other words."

Unknowingly, the staff put the both of them together in a room during their stay in the States. Jungkook's secretly delighted but terrified at the same time because sharing a room with Jimin meant cuddling at night since Jimin's always cold (he's clingy when he's cold). It's not that he minds the cuddling part (he'll never admit it to Jimin, but he loves it). It's just...

"Hey, I'm done showering Kookie, you can use the bathroom now."


Jungkook tries, tries so hard to avert his eyes, to look at anywhere but Jimin, but as usual the older doesn't let that happen. Said hyung makes a soft noise of confusion when Jungkook ignores him, and immediately walks to the edge of the bed where the younger is sitting. Jungkook's so concentrated on not looking at Jimin that, when the older nudges his left knee, he jumps in surprise and, before he even knows what he's doing, looks up.

Well shit.

Having just gotten out of the shower, Jimin's usually fluffy hair is wet, slick fringe sticking to his forehead in a way that should be illegal, Jungkook thinks. The older has only covered himself with a towel at his hips, and the younger can see his toned stomach (honestly, he prefers Jimin without abs but he's not complaining) and v-line travelling down to places Jungkook really shouldn't be thinking about.

Snapping himself out of his thoughts, Jungkook glances back up at Jimin, the latter still wearing a perplexed and concerned expression on his face.
"Are you okay, Kookie?"

No I am not okay because you're standing here right in front of me half-naked looking hot as hell and it's making me-

"Happy birthday!"

-what did I just say

Jimin cocks his head, eyes shining in amusement as he chuckles. Jungkook has the sudden urge to jump out of the window when he realizes what he just blurted out. Since when did he become like a wreck like this in front of Jimin?

"It's not my birthday, Kookie, and you know that. Are you okay?"

Jungkook blushes so hard he thinks he might have invented a new shade of red and winces, avoiding Jimin's gaze.

"Y-yeah, I'm totally fine, Jiminie hyung! I'll, um, go shower now..."

Standing up abruptly, Jimin blinks in surprise as the younger brushes past him and walks so fast to the bathroom it's a miracle he doesn't trip over his own feet. The older hesitates, trying to make sense of what just happened, but after a minute just shrugs it off as him being tired after a long day of photoshoots and proceeds to wear his clothes.

Jungkook lets out a long breath he doesn't even know he was holding as he leans against the bathroom door, trying to calm his erratic heartbeat down. It takes him a full minute and a half (he'd counted) before he deems himself normal enough and steps into the shower, relief flooding his veins as the tension from his muscles seep away when the hot water splashes down on him, washing his worries away - for now.

After a shower that was longer than intended, Jungkook walks out of the bathroom to see that Jimin has pushed the two single beds together, and is nestled in the almost-centre using his phone. Upon noticing Jungkook, the older smiles and pats the space beside him, beckoning him over. Jungkook's mind is blank (again, goddamnit Jimin) when he sees Jimin in an oversized sweater and in a split second he's decided that Park Jimin is the new definition of cute because that's all the boy radiates: cute, cute, cute and cute.

So cute.

(He's pretty sure the whole world would agree with him when they see Jimin's sweater paws and sleepy puppy look)

Gingerly making his way over to the bed, Jungkook slips under the covers beside Jimin and fiddles with the bedsheets and pillows.

"Hey, Jiminie hyung? I-I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I know today isn't your birthday or anything like that, I guess I was just kinda tired and didn't know what I was saying."

"It's okay, Kookie. It wasn't a big deal, don't worry about it. I gotta admit, it was actually kinda cute."

Jimin's words do not help one bit, and a faint pink dusts over Jungkook's cheek once more at his remark. The younger chooses not to reply, and after a couple of seconds Jimin eases the both of them into another conversation, both of them enjoying each other's company. Jungkook marvels at how Jimin can make him feel so at ease and relaxed, and maybe, just maybe - he falls a little harder for the boy with the crescent-shaped eye smiles and melodious laughter.


Jungkook doesn't know how much time has passed, but soon enough Jimin is turning off the lights and the both of them are getting ready for bed. The younger isn't surprised when the older snuggles into his chest and wraps an arm around his waist - he's done that plenty of times in the past. Instead, a sudden boost of courage presses him to try his luck.

"Jiminie hyung?"


"So...I-I really...um..."


"Ah...never mind. It's nothing important. You should rest...good night, Jiminie hyung. Sleep well."

"Oh...okay, good night kookie. Sleep well, too."

Jungkook mentally curses himself for chickening out, but he blames it on his exhaustion, and with Jimin as tired as he is, he probably wouldn't be able to process the weight of his words.

But...there's always next time, right? I'll do it next time, I swear I will.

Sleep tight, Jimin.

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