IV. Meridian

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"I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you, and only you."

The fourth time Jungkook tries to confess to Jimin...is when he's out with Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi. It's another day off for them after a month of promotions, and Seokjin has decided to cook a special dinner for the group to celebrate the successful comeback. Thus, he's dragged the three of them out to help him get the ingredients (it was initially Jimin, Hoseok and Taehyung, but Yoongi volunteered to go in Taehyung's place because he was worried the younger was too tired from the filming of 'Hwarang' the day before. Jungkook was gaping like a fish - Yoongi never does that for anyone).

That left Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon in the dorm, and since the four of them went out right after lunch, the trio decide to laze around in the living room. Jungkook and Taehyung end up on the floor playing video games, while Namjoon stays on the sofa reading an English book Jungkook is pretty sure he'll never understand (hey, you can't expect too much from someone who scored 4/100 for English).

Said situation continues on for about an hour, dorm being silent other than Jungkook and Taehyung's occasional shouts of victory or angst from the game they've been playing, until Taehyung groans at his defeat and whines, abolishing the lack of conversation and/or peace.

"Hyuuuuung when are they coming back? I miss them already!"

Namjoon glances up from the book he's been absorbed in and smirks knowingly at Taehyung, who pouts in reply.

"I think you meant you miss Yoongi hyung already. Well, Seokjin hyung's really particular about food, so it wouldn't be surprising if it takes them another hour or two to get back."

The younger blabbers something incoherent and uses his hands as an attempt to cover his face in order to hide the faint blush creeping onto his sun-kissed skin, but it doesn't exactly work because his ears turn a similar shade of pink, so Taehyung gives up and fake-glares at Namjoon who only chuckles at his antics. Jungkook though, only realizes the truth of Namjoon's words 30 seconds later. He grins so widely he thinks his mouth might drop off soon.

"Oh man oh man how could I have missed that? Taehyungie hyung likes Yoongi hyung! This is so unexpected! Breaking news, everyone! Taehyung li- ow! What was that for?!"

"To shut you up, Jungkook! I swear, if you tell Yoongi hyung anything about this I will murder you and blast you off to space like what Ash's pikachu does to Team Rocket-"

"I don't think Jimin would appreciate that, Taehyung. Although...I thought it was pretty obvious from the way Yoongi hyung acted earlier that he likes you, too."

Now it's Jungkook's turn to blush at Namjoon's words (Taehyung's cheeks actually still have a tinge of pink to them and with the way he's mumbling to himself something along the lines of "Yoongi hyung...likes me...?", Jungkook doesn't even want to know). The oldest of the trio merely continues to smirk. He doesn't understand how Namjoon manages to figure out all these every time, but he's secretly glad for his leader's wits because maybe I can ask him for some advice..

but first.

"What...do you mean by that, Namjoon hyung?"

"By what?"

"Y'know...about Jiminie hyung not appreciating it if Taehyung were to, um, 'murder' me."

"Well Jungkookie, instead of focusing on that, why not you tell me the reason that's keeping you from confessing to him?"

Jungkook wants to press Namjoon for more details, but a surge of frustration compells him to rant to his two hyungs (or maybe just Namjoon because Taehyung is now just sitting beside him with a dumb smile on his face, lost in his own thoughts).

"It's not that I don't want to tell Jiminie how I feel, hyung! I've tried confessing three times now, and every time I attempt to get the words out of my mouth someone either barges in on us, or I lose the courage to tell him. Not to mention he fell asleep on me the first time I tried. And sometimes...I'm not even sure he likes me back, and maybe if I confessed it might ruin the friendship we have..."

"Hm. You never know until you try, Jungkook. Have another go at it when they come back, yeah? You'll be surprised at how much overthinking exaggerates things sometimes."

Somehow, Namjoon's advice manages to resonate within him, and all of a sudden Jungkook decides that, by hook or by crook, he's telling Jimin how he feels. Today. No disruptions, no backing out, nothing. He's doing it, and he's doing it today. And all he can hope for is for Jimin to return his feelings...or, well, to be able to stay as close as they are now if he doesn't.


It takes another hour and a half for the four of them to get back, and when the door clicks open, Jungkook's nervous gaze hardens and the butterflies in his stomach disappear. Jimin and Hoseok are the first to enter the dorm, with Seokjin following them and Yoongi trailing behind. And...well, Hoseok has his arm around Jimin's shoulder, and the both of them are laughing at some private joke only the two of them seem to know about, if the wide grins on their faces tell the truth. Jimin's face is flushed, and Hoseok looks at the younger with more adoration than Jungkook would like.

At this point, Jungkook grits his teeth and tries to act nonchalant, shrugging at the sight before him, but it's slowly starting to ebb away at his resolve, all thoughts about confessing fading away.

I guess I was just imagining things...Jimin obviously likes Hoseok or something. I mean, I can't be that lucky all the time, right?

He doesn't hear Jimin calling him as he fakes a smile at his hyungs before retreating to his room.


a/n i feel like this is progressively getting worse so i'm sorry if i made you cringe at my terrible writing yikes
i also apologize for indulging myself in a little taegi, hope you don't mind c:

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