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i woke up and suddenly i was home in my bed. derek was sleeping next to me. the last thing i remember was sitting in a police office and the officer asking me questions about the accident. i answered truthfully, but they didn't believe me. i wouldn't believe me either. im still not even sure what happened myself.

i took out my laptop and started searching for answers. i tried not to wake devon up.

i typed in "premonitions" but nothing came up other than the definitions and some other random stuff.

that didn't help.

i tried "premonition leading to freak accidents"

a lot of different articles came up.

"student has vision bridge is going to collapse, 7 people get off, bridge collapses"

i clicked on that one and it explained that back in 2000 a kid named sam lawton had a vision that the bridge was going to collapse, so he got 6 of his co workers got off. then the bridge collapsed. all of the survivors started dying in weird accidents, in the order they would've if they stayed on the bridge. sam and his girlfriend molly then boarded flight 180, when a student names alex browning had a vision that, that plane was going to explode killing everyone on board. alex and 5 of his friends and his teacher got off. at take off flight 180 blew up and killed everyone on board including sam and molly.

i swallowed my throat. and clicked back.

another article title read - "corman visions pile up, saves 8 lives."

i clicked on that one and it explained that back in 2003 a girl names kimberly corman had a vision that there was going to be a huge pile up on route 23. she stopped the car cashing everyone behind her to stop an minutes later there was huge accident. all of the survivors started dying in weird accidents, in the order they would've if they would've kept driving.

a tear came down my face. i clicked back again.

i saw another article and didn't even read the title.

it explained how in 2005 a student named wendy christensen had a vision that the rollar coaster 'devils flight' was going to crash. her and 9 of her friends got off, then devils flight crashed. all of the survivors started dying in weird accidents, in the order they would've if they would've stayed on the coaster.

i thought back to my premonition and realized that derek was killed first.

"oh my god." i whispered and put my hand over my mouth.

"everything okay babe?" i heard derek whisper.

"no, everything is not okay!" i said.

i began to cry.

"listen babe, what happened today was just a freak accident. nothing was in your control"

"but we can control death!"

"what! what are you talking about, we survived, now let's go back to bed." he said.

"no! look here, in 2009, and kid had a vision the mckinley stadium was going to have a huge accident and collapse, him and 7 people left and moments later there was an accident which caused it to collapse, just like his premonition -"

"im not following you, babe." he said.

"days after the accident, the survivors started dying in weird accidents in the order they would've if they would have stayed in the stadium."

"maybe that was just a coincidence! but seriously come back to bed, we have the memorial tomorrow, remember? and you've had a long day and need rest."

i wiped a tear falling from my face, logged off my laptop and crawled back into bed.

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