This Ship Has Sailed

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This Ship Has Sailed

Chapter 37:

Lunch was hell. Food throwing, elbow throwing.

These boys could get brutal, all sitting at a smaller sized table.

Everyone was crammed around a circular table, only designed to fit six people. The boys dragged up extra chairs so we could all sit together, and were acting like vultures, trying to get their share of the food. There wasn't any clear surface area on the table, piled high with stackable trays of food.

I watched with horror as the boys just devoured it all. Rose kept a basket of chili cheese fries to herself on her lap, eating it slowly with a fork, occasionally jabbing Jason roughly in the ribs with her elbow as he kept trying to snag a few fries.

I was seated to the left of Rose and to the right of Seth, I'll give you three guesses as to how he ended up beside me.

I looked at Rose, just as she tried to sneak another glance at Seth and I, we were both squished so closely together we might as well have been sharing the same chair. It didn't help that Rose was shoving herself partially onto my chair.

Rose quickly turned away, her cheeks turning the same shade as her name.

I rolled my eyes and stole another fry from Seth's tray, watching the chaos in front of me.

"So Kyle-" Chantelle purred, raking her fingers gently along his bicep. "Your girlfriend must be one lucky girl."

Kyle had just finished shoving a seven layer nacho chip into his mouth, heavy on the cheese. "Uhhm." He tried to reply, but ended up spitting a few chip pieces into Chantelle's hair, in which she seemingly didn't notice.

I watched as he cringed, after swallowing a half chewed up chip, I'm sure it scraped his throat on its way down. He coughed a couple times and took a gulp of water before replying.

"I don't have a girlfriend." He replied, voice a little raspy from the chip, eyeing her hand as it crept up his arm and onto the crook of his neck.

"You don't?" She asked, sounding surprised. "I just assumed, that an attractive guy like you would definitely be locked down into a relationship. I'm a bit more of a, no strings attached kind of girl."

I almost didn't catch the last comment she made, as she dropped her voice a bit and brought her mouth closer to his ear. Kyle's eyes widened a fraction and met mine for a brief moment.

He let out a slightly nervous laugh, she didn't seem to notice the apprehension in it, and continued to speak. The rest of the boys started to tame it down, finishing off the last of the food, I glanced around at them all, each in their own conversation, Joyce looked like she was flirting with Ashton, and it seemed to be going much better than Chantelle.

"I mean, I'm just here to relax and have a good time, its spring break after all, am I right?" She giggled, slapping her hand on Kyle's bare chest as if he had told her a joke, she didn't remove her hand.

I was intrigued about how fast this would go downhill, and with one glance at Rose I could tell that she wasn't very engrossed in her conversation with Jason, I snuck a glance at Seth to see him casually munching on fries and taking some kind of online Star Wars character quiz on his phone.

Returning my attention to Kyle's conversation with Chantelle, I turned my head just in time to see Chantelle grab Kyle by the face and kiss him.

Rose spat out her drink in surprise, spraying Jason and Conner, they looked too startled to have a proper reaction. The rest of the table went silent as they took notice of the scene around them. Taking a quick glance around, I took notice of Joyce's look of pure surprise, jaw dropped as she watched her sisters bold move take action.

I could feel the tension around the table as Kyle lightly but firmly pushed, without saying a word he removed himself from the table. Walking around the table trying to avoid eye contact with Chantelle, to my surprise, he made his way over to me and lightly grabbed my arm.

Gently pulling me up and out of my chair, Rose jumped up and followed us, I made the mistake and glanced back at the group back at the table. Everyone was wearing expressions of pure shock and surprise, Chantelle on the other hand was glaring at me.

If looks could kill.


The three of us walked aimlessly, I wasn't entirely sure what was going on, or why Kyle decided to drag me away from the table, I feel like I will have to sleep with one eye open for the rest of the trip.

And from the look on Kyle's face, he wasn't entirely sure as to why he dragged me away from the table either. Someone still has yet to say something, and it wasn't going to be me.

"So..." Rose started, when we stopped walking. "What was that?" She asked cautiously.

"I have no idea!" Kyle looked frantic, and confused. "We were just talking! And then it all started getting weird and then she just kissed me! Who does that!?" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air, obviously not thinking before speaking.

"Hmm, I wonder." I replied sarcastically, realization dawned on Kyle's face, looking panicked.

"I said I was sorry! I thought we weren't going to bring that up again!" Kyle exclaimed, Rose now looked intrigued.

"Wait, what? What happened?" She was beginning to look excited, and a bit conflicted.

"I was caught up in the moment!" Kyle said, sounding exasperated making bizarre hand gestures. "It was New Year's, and there were fireworks. She just looked so pretty, I got caught up in the moment and-and, don't patronize me woman!" Kyle accused, pointing at Rose who still had yet to speak again.

Rose now looked just as giddy as she did when she got Seth and I out of the elevator, though this time she looked conflicted as well.

"This ship has sailed." She whispered to seemingly no one.

A/N: Dramaaaa! Sorry not sorry! What do you think will go down next?

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