Christmas Decorating

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Christmas Decorating

Chapter 12:

“Everyone report to the first floor living room right now!” Mrs. Harrison’s voice boomed throughout the house using the intercom.

Jerking awake I glared at the stupid communication system and glanced at the clock 9:17AM. Groaning I hauled myself out of my bed, satisfied when I looked around at the no longer pink infested room. Looking down at the neon green oversized t-shirt I was wearing with purple spandex shorts I shrugged and deemed my outfit presentable…kind of.

Leaving my room I saw all of the other boys doing the same all looking half dead as well. I didn’t see Rose so I figured she was already downstairs, stupid early riser. Shoving my way to the front of the group I made my way down the stairs first and into the living room to see Mrs. Harrison standing in the middle of the room with a camera. Before I or any of the boys had a chance to react a bright flash lit up the room followed by a clicking of the camera. We all groaned our protests and rubbed our eyes showing our obvious disapproval.

“Aww.” Mrs. Harrison cooed while looking at the picture she took, “You all look so cute!”

“Mom, what do you want? Why did you call all of us down here?” Conner asked crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall behind him.

“Oh right! Since we have about 2 weeks until Christmas, today we’re going to be decorating the house for Christmas!” Mrs. Harrison explained. “Now I know that we usually pair up and split into four groups and decorate our assigned areas but because this year we are fortunate enough to have Blake here with us we will do things a little bit differently. Now instead of us all meeting up in a few hours and decorating the yard together like we usually do. We will have one person assigned to do it instead.”

Immediately Rose began jumping up and down waving her arms around, “Oh! Can I do it? Pretty pretty pleeaaasseee!” She begged.

Mrs. Harrison smiled, “I figured you would volunteer, of course you can dear, you know where the decorations are. You can begin now if you’d like.”

Rose squealed in delight and took off out of the room, assuming to where the decorations are located. Jason grumbled, “Oh I see how it is, ditch your twin!” He shouted out after her.

Ashton laughed and ruffled his younger brothers hair, “Don’t worry bro, I’ll partner up with you this year.”

Conner looked over at his fraternal twin, “Still partners right?” He asked Seth. Seth nodded. I’m assuming they partner up every year.

“Guess we’re partners, Cupcake.” Kyle whispered lowly in my ear, bending down and resting his chin on my shoulder.

“Joy.” I said dryly, rolling my eyes and shrugging his head off of me.

“Okay, so your father and I will take the bottom two basements.” Mrs. Harrison started. Yes, they have three basements, I found out that’s why it took me so long to reach the library a few days back. I took the stairs from the third basement all the way up into one of the 6th floor towers. And here I thought it was only a 5 story house, I obviously can’t count.

“Jason and Ashton can take the upper basement and 1st floor, Conner and Seth take the 2nd and 3rd floors, not including bedrooms. Kyle and Blake can take the 4th through 6th floors. You know where the stuff is, go!” She shooed us off and grabbed her husband’s arm, directing them towards the basement, Jason and Ashton in tow.

Kyle grabbed my hand and began running off in a random direction. “Come on! Let’s get to the elevator before the twins do.” He said laughing.

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