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Once upon a time, there was a little village near the river "Ganga".Which is located in India. India is a very beautiful and a peace country. In that small village there, lived a poor and a simple families. They worked in the farm and earned some money,by selling their fresh vegetables.

In this village,there lived Mrs. Aasha with her family members husband,son and daughter whose name was Ram and Gita.There were four family members in their family.She and her husband,who worked very hard to keep thir family and kids happy.Aasha also worked and too helped her husband and support him. They were happiest family in the village. In the morning, at 8:00 clock,she took her kids in school and she went for work. Oneday, in this village their comes some children kidnappers for kidnapping childrens. The kidnappers were clevers, they used to say to the childrens, that your mother have said us to take you! And they used to kidnap, innocent childrens. 

Oneday, the kidnappers saw Ram and Gita in the way, back to home. So, kidnappers planned to kidnap them, so they said your mother have sent us to take you they said we are your uncles.So at that, certain time both of the children remembered their mother saying, if any unknown person comes to take you,you must first ask the password that, I have gave to you, then you can go, if they say the right password that is (Happy).Kidnappers were just shocked about password and couldnot understand so both of the kidnappers were afraid of their tricks so the kidnappers ran away.The both childrens were safe kidnappers if the both childrens have not remembered about passwords that their mother taught may be the childrens have kidnapped. Due to the intelligence of Aasha both kids were safed.So,they meet their mom Aasha way back to home and the childrens told about the kidnappers and how they solved the problems.Aasha was feeling very happy for her childrens.So, they returned back home telling about the incident that occured with Gita and Ram and also they told to their father.

There father was so, proud to have his wife,daughter and son like them. So, their family lived in peace and love forever!

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