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I stared at the girls who had just been tossed in the room. I was flustered, trying to remember where I had seen her before. One of the girls glared at me almost looking disgusted. I almost forgot I had been staring at them for a good five minutes now.

"Do you have a problem."spat one of the girls.

"No..." I hesitated. I opened my mouth to say something but I didn't say anything at all.

" My name is Sarah ." she replied.

I wouldn't look at her, instead I glared at the other young girl in the corner the one hysterically sobbing into her palms.

"It's going to be alright." I said in a soothing tone .

She looked up at me, her eyes soaked in tears. She looked younger about fourteen.

"It sickens me.... how people have the nerve to just grab people of the streets, and cage us like animals." she said to me sounding angry.

I nodded not sure what to say.

I looked over at Sarah, she looked like she was in pain. As I looked closer I saw bruises and gashes all over her arms and legs.

" What did they do to you!" I asked Sarah.

"They beat me, I tried to fight them."

She sounded pleased with the fact that she didn't give up without a fight.

Sarah stood up wincing in pain as she used the wall to support her weight.

" If we want to even have the slightest chance of surviving here I suggest we get to know each other." Sarah suggested

I looked over at the younger girl still curled up in a ball in the corner.

"My n-am-e is... "she stuttered.

"Hazel." she finally blurted out before bursting back into sobs.

Sarah and I glared at each other trying to figure out how we could calm her down.

"Calm down, calm down you'll be alright." still trying to talk in a soothing tone.

But Hazel just sobbed louder, and we knew if we didn't shut her up soon..

Someone else would.

I kept whispering to her that she would be okay, and that we'll get out of here, but she continued to sob.

She continued sobbing until we heard someone stomping up the stairs and towards the door to the room we were in. The door squeaked open slowly and Sarah threw her hand over Hazel's mouth to stop her from screaming.

"You need to shut up right now, or I swear to god." Sarah spat at Hazel.

I pulled Hazel into a hug and glared at the man now slowly pacing the room back and forth shining a evil grin.

I stared down Sarah, she was going to say something that will probably get us shot.

"You're so intimidating." Sarah sarcastically giggled.

The man inches towards us leaning in uncomfortably close.

"Oh.... you're not scared?" he grinned menacingly showing his rotting teeth.

His breathe smelt sour.

"Nope." Sarah smiled popping the P.

"Well then....I'll have to teach you a lesson." the man yanked Sarah by her arm and dragged her out of the room. and with the click of the lock, she was gone and I was extremely worried. I know I haven't known these girls for no more than a hour, but I feel the need to protect them they are my only company.


I love you guys💖💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2013 ⏰

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