CIL - Chapter Two - Another Flower

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"Chocolate cookie dough, with bubble gum and spwinkles and pink sauce and bwown chocolatey sauce and some strawbewwy scoops." Lily gave her order to the women behind the counter. She stared back at her, utterly confused.

"So, she wants a scoop of strawberry ice cream, on a cone. With some chocolate sauce and rainbow sprinkles. And I would like a scoop of vanilla, in a cup. Thanks." He lady behind the counter turned to me for the first time and her eyes went wide as saucers.

"You're...You're...h-him. Dam-Damien Anderson. R-right?" Could she stutter anymore?

"Hi, yeah. That's me. Can we get our ice cream now? See, my princess is getting a little impatient." I say, nodding towards the little girl staring, with her mouth wide open, at all the different choices of ice cream.

"Y-yes. Of course." The lady behind the counter, who looks to be about 18 years old, reaches for a cup on the high pile only for it to be knocked down by someone.

"GOD, you idiot! Didn't she say for you to stay inside?! God knows why they ever adopted a useless piece of sh*t like you!" The aggressive tone that is used by 'Tina'- as stated by the name tag I had only just noticed- seemed to anger me. Not only because she swore in front of my 2 year old daughter, but also because of the rude behaviour to the person on the ground.

Said person makes a move to get up, her light brown hair covering her face in the process. "I'm *hiccup* sorry, Tin Tin. I didn't mean *hiccup* it. I was just having fun." The innocent voice, coming from behind the hair seems almost as if a child was apologising for doing something wrong.

"Ergh. How many times have I told you? My name is Tina, not Tin Tin or any of the other pathetic nicknames you made for me. I am not your friend. No one is your friend. Remember that. Now clean this up." Seeing the blonde practically attack the brunette in front of the whole ice cream parlour-including my daughter- made me feel sympathy towards the brunette.

She didn't look like a child. She looked about 5'6", compared to my 6'1". And her body. Wow. She has curves in all the right places. Nope. Definitely not a child. So why was she being reprimanded like this?

"Excuse me. Do you...know h-..." The words are literally taken out of my mouth, as the brunette lifts her head towards me when I direct my unfinished question towards her. Her eyes, a beautiful grey colour with specks of green and blue, were filled with tears and some had already been released, rolling down her cheeks. Seeing her pain brings an unusual feeling to the left side of my chest.

A tug on my hands makes me look away from the pretty lady in front of me, and towards my Princess. "Daddy. Ice cweam."

Hearing an exaggerated gasp from behind the counter, I look back at the brown haired lady. Her hands were over her mouth, and her eyes wide as if she was in shock. Did she recognise me?

"Oh my god. I ruined it, again. It was your turn and you didn't get any ice cream. Everyone wants ice cream. Now, all because of me the pretty little girl is sad. It's all my fault. I can't do anything right." She keeps on rambling to herself, when suddenly Tina runs towards the door and races through it.

The brunettes rambling quiets down, making my gaze fall back on her, only to see her eyes roll to the back of her head. She's going to faint. I pull up the counter and catch her just as she's about to slam down on the ground.

Just as I fall to my knees, with her head in my lap, three figures come out from the door. They immediately kneel down and a boy around the brunettes age takes her into his arms.

"Rosalina. Rose. Open your eyes. Not again. What did you do this time?" His question directed at the trembling Tina, who was just standing on the side, watching in guilt.

Rosalina. Her name was almost as beautiful as her face. Rose, another flower to add to my bouquet. See what I did there? Lily and Rose. Huh? No? Okay.

"Thomas, just take her upstairs. You know she's going to be fine. Her meds are in the kitchen cabinet." Meds? Why did she need them? The middle aged lady, then turns her head towards me and sends a small smile towards the small girl, clutching to the back of my leather jacket.

"Thank you, for saving her fall. God knows what would have happened." She looks back at Tina and schools. No more mrs nice lady then. "As for you. How many times do us have to remind you that if you want to keep this job, you can't talk like that to my daughter. Especially in front of customers. I think this young man deserves a 'thank you' from you for saving your life from Phil. Too bad he couldn't save your job. You're fired!" Wow. Powerful speech.

After 'Tinee the Meany', as my daughter had rightfully named her, left the parlour, we were finally served with our ice cream. Rosalina was being lifted by the Thomas dude and taken upstairs. Wherever that is. I'm guessing it's upstairs. Thinking about the guys hands on Rosalina created fire in my chest. I recognised the feeling. I had the same feeling when Lily decided she liked my own sister more than me. Jealousy.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a small voice.

"Daddy, are you okay?" My daughter asks me.

"Yes, Princess." Am I okay?


The fact that they both have names of flowers was a complete accident. And it was a benefit to me since it gave me a title for the chapter...


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