CIL - Chapter Eighteen - Blame

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"No. No! Thomas, tell me you're joking. Rose is probably in her bedroom, jumping on her bed singing Frozen songs right now. You're lying!" I'm practically shouting at the end, but I can't help it.

"Damien. I wish I was, but I'm not. I wouldn't joke about this. You need to come. She needs you." He replies in a serious tone. Too serious.

She needs me.

My Angel needs me.

What and I still doing at home?

I jump off the sofa and head towards the front door. Then I remember I have a daughter. I grab her shoes and coat before walking back to her sleeping figure.

I gently put her coat on as well as her shoes and lift her into my arms. My Princess. How would she react if she knew her Rosie was hurt.

That just made it worse.

Realisation of the fact that my Angel was physically hurt  dawned upon me. She was hurt and I wasn't there to help her. To protect her.

I run out of the house and unlock the car. I buckle Lily in to the back before starting the car and driving off.

"Thanks, mom. I need to go. She's waiting for me, you know?" I tell her desperately as she slowly takes Lily from my arms.

"Be careful, okay? And call me as soon as you know if she's alright. She like my own daughter, I need to know if she's okay, okay?" I just nod at her tear-struck face before rushing back to the car. Back to my Rose.

"Rosalina Blake. What room is she in? Is she okay?" I rushed out to the receptionist. Before she could open her mouth, a voice calls my name from behind me, making me turn around. "Thomas, where is she? Tell me she's okay."

He walks towards me and pulls me through the hallways, "I'll take you to the waiting area. They haven't let anyone inside yet, so don't make a scene. I understand you're upset, we all are, but you need to stay strong for her."

We walk until we reach the Intensive Care Unit. "Why are we here? In the ICU? Is it really bad?"

The accident must've been really bad if she ended up in the ICU. Please let her be okay.

"Yes, it's bad. We don't know what happened yet. After you called me to tell me she's on her way back, I got another call from the police telling me I was her emergency contact. They didn't know exactly what happened either. We'll have to wait for Rose, only then will we know who did this to my sister." He growls out in anger.

"Is your mom and dad here? I can't go in front of them, man. I can't bare to look at their faces knowing that I was the reason that their daughter is in this condition." Thomas just shakes his head at me.

"Don't be stupid, Damien. That girl loves you. And so do my parents. They wouldn't want you blaming yourself for this. They need your justification that their daughter is going to be fine, they don't seem to care when I say it."

No matter how right he is, there's always going to be the feeling inside me that this is my fault.

If I hadn't called her childish, then she would've stayed the night as it was planned. She wouldn't have left and got into trouble on the way. So in a way, it is my fault.

We reach the seating area and I can see Phil, Rose's father with his arm around his wife, whispering what I am sure are comforting words into her ear. It only makes me miss my Angel more. As we reach them, they both stand and Julianne jumps and hugs me, sobbing into my chest.

"Oh, Damien. What has happened to my little girl?" Seeing her tears reminded me of how upset Rose was when she left. I wrap my arms around her hugging her back. She reminded me of Rose all together.

"I know as much as you do, Julianne. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't take care of her. I'm sorry I failed you." At my words, Julianne pulls away.

"Damien," she reprimanded me, "you can't blame yourself for something you didn't do. You didn't even know of it until after we found out. How could you take care of her when she wasn't near you at the time?"

"That's exactly it! She wasn't near me, and that is my fault. I'm always saying the wrong things and messing everything up, making her upset." I say, getting louder And louder with every word.

Phil then decides to step in with his hand on my shoulder. "Son, I know how you're feeling. I love my daughter as much as, if not more than, you do. I've known her for most of her life and one thing I can say is that you putting all of this on yourself, when you weren't even there to witness the incident, wouldn't make her happy."

I guess in a way he was right, but that didn't help the nagging feeling inside me. If Rose wasn't alright, then her parents wouldn't be alright, Lily wouldn't be alright. I wouldn't be alright.

Instead of dragging it on any longer, I just gave him a nod.

2 hours later, we were sat on the seats. Thomas was half asleep. Phil had his arm around Julianne as she slept. Mark and Emily had arrived an hour ago looking distraught themselves. Especially Emily. My Angel and Mark's girlfriend seemed to take a liking to each other.

It was then when a doctor came out to the waiting area and said, "Family of Rosalind Blake?" Rosalind... Rosalind... did she mean Rosalina?

We all stood up when no other families did. I rush towards the lady doctor, "yes, is she okay?"

"I'm sorry, are you related to Rosalind?" She asks.

Did she not recognise me?

"Her name is Rosalina. But yes, I'm her husband." Lie. "Is she okay?"

Thomas then joins my side as well as Phil and, a now awake, Julianne. "I'm her brother. Can you tell us what's wrong?"

The doctor then gives a small smile, but it was more of an attempt to hide her grimace. This isn't looking good. "Rosalind- sorry, Rosalina," she corrects at my glare, "has a few broken bones in her left leg. She landed on it pretty badly. And her head had been badly wounded at the back, which is confusing since she had landed face forward according to what the police have told us. However, the good thing is that with a small blood transfusion and a little time, your wife will be back to her normal self."

Head injuries are never good. They always end badly, like in that movie she always watches and ends up crying because of it. Something like The Wedding... no it was The Date. Nope. The Vow. Yes, that's exactly what happened and the girl forgot the boy and... is my Rose going to forget me?

"Does she still remember me?" I voice my thoughts. The doctors face immediately falls a little. Oh no.

"Well, we can't be sure until she wakes up, but with injuries like hers... it's a possibility. You can visit her if you want to, she just won't reply." She tries to joke. No one laughs. "There are many of you here, we can only allow 2 people in to the Intensive care unit per patient. Once she gets moved you can all visit her."

"Phil, Julianne. You can go see her. I'll see her later." I tell them, even though I want nothing more than to see my girlfriend's beautiful face.

Phil shakes his head at me, "No. Son, you take Julie and I'll see Rose later with Thomas." 

The doctor then tells us to follow her and we do.

I wrap my arm around Julianne's shoulders and walk with her towards the room 103.

She opens the door, revealing an Angel. A broken Angel with wires connected to her arms, bruises on her face, casts around her head and leg.


I think yes.

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