Chapter Nineteen

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"This is a bad idea," said Sabrina in hushed tone as Una huffed impatiently past her. They were approaching the bend in the stream where she had surprised Una the night before.

"I get it, you're scared. But if we take too long to get there, we might miss him and blow my chance at getting more information. Anyway, I know how to get back from here. You can go as slowly as you want—I'm moving on ahead." Una turned away and moved quickly toward the stream.

Sabrina felt the knot in her stomach tighten as she watched Una from the shelter of the bushes. Taking a deep breath, she opened up her senses as though on a hunting expedition. Staying calmly focused was her best bet if she was to stay out of danger.

*      *      *

Una's determination and her impatience to see Flynn again were beginning to corrode. Sabrina's foreboding was rubbing off on her. Despite this new feeling, she kept moving up the winding, half-hidden path. A few feet before entering the clearing that was the cottage's back yard, she stopped. Sitting on the stool next to the back door was a dark-haired young man. It wasn't Flynn.

It doesn't look like he's noticed me yet. Maybe I can still run, she thought as she stood motionless.

"Well," said the man, "your arrival is timely." Without giving any sign of moving to grab her or signalling someone else to do so, he calmly rose from the stool. When he finally turned to look at her, she felt a shock. Her breath caught as he casually strolled across the yard toward her. He reminded her of Flynn, only taller and with dark brown hair. Stopping close enough to talk to her yet far enough to not overwhelm her, he said, "You are Una, I presume." She nodded. "I am Seamus, Flynn's older brother. He, unfortunately, could not come to meet you. He will most likely find it difficult to move around as freely as he used to from now on."

He paused. "You are confused, I see. Do not fear, no harm will come to you. Well, not from me anyway. I came here alone. You, however, are not alone." Una's eyes widened. "I wish her no harm either."

Una backed away a step. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Good question. I suppose you cannot."

Taking another step back, Una broke a twig. The snapping sound made her jump. Seamus sighed. "I knew this would be difficult, but I cannot stay here long. I do have enough time, I think, to tell you and your friend that it would be wiser for you both to come to town and seek protection rather than continuing on as you have been. I don't know why you feel the need to hide in these woods, but it won't end well if you stay here too long. Based on the information gathered by Cobalt and other sources in the county, she has a strong Tahlian accent, though she speaks our language very well. If you wish to live long, I strongly suggest you come to town. My father is the lord of this county—if you decide to come to town, simply state your name at the gate and say you were invited to meet Lord Sandford of Eastwin. I guarantee you will be taken in."

"Wh—Why would I want to speak to the lord?"

"Because he wishes to meet both of you."

"How does he even know we're here? And how did you know I'd be here today? And—"

"Come to town and all your questions shall be answered. I can, however, tell you this. Flynn, after much prodding and poking, finally told me when and where he was to meet you next. Believe me when I tell you, it is only because I convinced him someone should come to be here to meet you rather than no one at all that he finally relented. I don't know why he went to such great lengths to hide you from everyone, but you should know that he never meant you any harm. I came to help you, if I could, because of his evident desire to protect you."

Una took another step back. She was now almost completely shielded by a large bush, yet she felt exposed. She knew if he really wanted to capture her he could have done so fairly easily. But he hadn't tried to grab her and had given her space. The only real problem was, she couldn't tell if he was lying or not.

"Judging by your appearance, you are definitely not the typical vagrant. Your clothing is too good and the air about you is not that of an uneducated person. I am becoming quite curious about you as well." Seamus smiled.

Una blinked. The smile on Seamus's face was almost identical to Flynn's mischievous smile. "I can see why Flynn found you interesting enough to try and hide you." An invisible blush spread across her face and chest as she took in the compliment. Looking away, she heard him sigh. "I must go now, but I do hope you will at least consider the offer presented to you. Perhaps we will have the pleasure of meeting again soon. I bid you good day." He turned and walked toward the front of the cottage.

As confusion and panic rose in Una's chest, she heard the muted thud of a horse's hooves on earth and grass move away from the cottage. Waiting a few moments where she stood, she concluded that he'd at least told her the truth about having come alone. What just happened? she thought as she began to backtrack toward the stream.

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