Rehearsal Pg. 2

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Jack's POV

I'm still pissed at Mark. I'd rather be at school then laying in this bed. I wonder how his day is going. I bet it's 10X better than mine!

Mark's POV

I was sitting in class and looked at the clock. It was only 1:38pm. I still had an hour and a half in school. I wish I was at home laying in bed with Jack. Too bad I have to listen to Mr. Grassi teach math.

*Time Skip after class.*

When I got out of class it was 2:30pm. Just thirty more minutes till I get to be home with Jack. Maybe I should stay after school to practice? I really wanna be home with Jack but I have to prepare for the talent show.

I walked to my locker and got my stuff I needed for my last class of the day which was English. It's also my shortest class of the day. I'm pretty glad it is because I only make C's in English. Just because I speak the language doesn't mean I can always get the perfect A+!

"Hello Fischbach." I heard a voice say. "Yes?" I asked turning around. It was Wade. He pushed me up against the lockers. (Wadeiplier away! XP)

What do you want Wade?!" I asked angrily. "I just want to know what the hell you did to Bob! He's not on our side anymore! What the fuck did to hi-!" Before Wade could finish I punched him in the jaw. He fell off of me and fell in the floor in front of me.

I closed my locker and ran to my English class. I'm not getting the blame put on me!

*Time Skip to after school.*

I wondered if Wade was still laying in the floor in front of my locker. Only one way to find out!

I walked to my locker and seen that Wade still wasn't there. I still laughed at the thought of him laying in the floor. I put the stuff I needed for English away and grabbed my backpack. I put it on my back and walked to the music classroom.

I walked into the classroom and saw Mr. Dillon at his desk typing something. Probably a newsletter for his chorus students. "Good afternoon Mr. Dillon." I said. "Good afternoon Mark." He replied. "I came here to rehearse some more." I said. "OK. Just take a seat and I'll be right with you." He said.

I took my backpack off and sat down. I got my phone out a texted Jack.

Mark - Hey Jackaboy XP.

Jack - Hey Satan! When are you coming home? It's 3:30!

Mark - Be patient. I just have to rehearse for the talent show. Then I'll be home, OK?

Jack - Fine, but you owe me cuddles!

Mark - Fair enough. I love you! Bye! Gtg.

Jack - OK. I love you 2! Bye! =)

I put my phone away and smiled. "OK Mark. Just tell me when." Mr. Dillon said. I stood up. "I'm ready sir." I said. He started the instrumentals.

(Start Music! I won't write lyrics. I'm too lazy to. XP)

I finished and Mr. Dillon clapped. He was always so supportive of all of his students. "Great job Mark. I'll seeya tomorrow!" He said. "Seeya tomorrow!" I said as I exited his classroom.

Who else has a crush on Mr. Dillon? I do! Mr. Dillon is Ricky Dillon. Ya know, the man that kissed Shane in several videos, has an adorable corgi puppy named Oliver, has brown eyes, and is adorable! Did I lose you? =/. Peace out Aqualines!

Song above- Savior by Black Veil Brides

Video below- Ricky Dillon and Shane taste sour candy.

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