-Chapter Twelve-

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     Chara stared at the spaghetti on her plate, unable to shake the nausea that twisted in her stomach. She knew it wasn't her nausea she was feeling, but she felt like throwing up nonetheless. Frisk's fever had subsided, but now she was complaining of sore muscles and the inability to keep down food.

     Chara sighed and pushed her plate away. She glanced down at her phone, pretending to be reading a text. She stood up, handing her plate to Sans, who was on dishes duty.

     "Frisk's not feeling well, she texted me."

     Sans smirked,"Yeah, I bet she really needs you."

     Chara was barely able to resist the urge to smack that look off his face. She stormed upstairs, startling Frisk when she slammed the door. Tiredness ringed her beautiful eyes, and they flashed with pain as she coughed. Chara rubbed her back, trying to ignore the scars. Frisk stopped coughing, she looked up at Chara.

"What's wrong? You look mad."

     "Sans, of course. He gets so cocky sometimes, and it's really hard for me not to hit him."

Frisk stayed silent. Chara sighed,"I just... I feel like he still hasn't forgiven me. That he still blames m-me. For what h-happened."

"Don't say that!"Frisk spat,"If he can't get over something that is not your fault, he can go screw himself."

Chara smiled, feeling her anger dissipate as Frisk fiercely defended her.

"How are you feeling? I felt nauseous at dinner."

"I'm okay now, and I think I could eat something. Something cold."

Chara nodded and hopped out and downstairs. She opened the freezer, digging around. She pulled out a carton of chocolate ice cream and made two bowls. She was about to go to Frisk when she stopped suddenly, a vision unfolding before her. Sans and Asriel.

"S-sans? What's this about? Does mom need me?"

"heh, no. i just wanted to talk."

He pulled out a chair and sat, eyes fading to black.

"So, you're back. 'The Lost Prince.' That's what they're calling you, ya know?"

     "Um, I don-"

     "Don't play dumb! I know who you were, Asriel. The others may not remember anything about what you did, and Frisk may refuse to let anyone speak against you, but let me tell you this—I remember you, and maybe I don't remember everything you did, but I know enough. Enough to ask this—can I trust you, Asriel Dreemurr?"

"Sans! Y-you don't understand! I-"

"What don't I understand? The fact that you killed my brother, me, everyone over and over again? The fact that you played with our lives like this is all a stupid game? I understand plenty, Asriel!"

"Sans! Stop. Please..."

"So now you beg for mercy. Ha. Even after Frisk sacrificed half her soul for you, you still pretend to be innocent."

Undertale: Unchained- Chara x FriskWhere stories live. Discover now