-Chapter Twenty-Six-

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Ding dong!

Chara hurried to the door for the umpteenth time with a candy filled bowl in hand. Opening the door, she smiled down at the little boy at the door.

     "Boo! Twick or tweat!"

     Chara giggled and dropped a candy bar in his bag. He thanked her and skipped off.

     Frisk walked up behind her,"Busy night?"

     "Of course. Kinda sad though."


     "They're taking all my chocolate. I could just turn the porch light off and we could have them all to ourself."

     "Tempting, but I'll have to pass. Even you couldn't eat all that chocolate."

     "Try me."

     Frisk rolled her eyes,"Okay, you do that and I'll be watching."

"You're no fun."

Frisk just smirked and walked off. Asriel peeked from around the corner.

"Are they gone?"

"Yep. Coast is clear."

He smiled and took a candy bar. Earlier that night he had answered the door to a little girl and her mom. The kid had said that Asriel had a cool costume. He had blushed awkwardly while the parent, clearly embarrassed, had hurried away. That was when they had decided that just Chara and Frisk would answer the door.

Toriel and Asgore had taken the twins trick or treating, and Papyrus had insisted that he take part in the festivities. Speaking of the twins, they were both crawling around and getting in all sorts trouble. They had already lost one vase, several full cups of drinks, and Toriel's sanity to their little hands. Almost every day she ran herself to the point of exhaustion trying to keep her younger children from hurting themselves.

Ding dong!

Chara opened the door as Asriel scurried off. A small boy, about six, and an older girl who looked to be ten. The boy had dark brown hair and bright hazel eyes.

So familiar.

She snapped out of her trance and smiled at the girl. The boy looked up at her, but his gaze was blank.

The girl grabbed his shoulder,"Glen, you're doing it again. I'm sorry, he's blind. He's trying to gather information. It's been a hectic night."

"I'm sorry." Chara managed to choke out, handing them their candy. Shutting the door, she leaned against the wall. She squeezed her eyes closed, trying to close off the memories.

I can't. Don't bring them back. Please! Not again! It's not him! It will never be him!

She breathed deeply, shaking her head. Trying so hard to shut the memories back in the box. But they were strong, and they crashed over her like a wave.

"Char! Char smile!"

Chara grinned down at him from her perch on the tree. He smiled back and toddled to a shaded area right under her. She sat down, one leg dangling off the branch. She studied her little brother as he pulled at the ground.

He was three years old. A small boy with dark hair and light hazel eyes. The little gray shirt he always wore, and the tattered blue blanket he carried everywhere. A wind picked up, blowing his hair around and making him giggle.

Undertale: Unchained- Chara x FriskWhere stories live. Discover now