Chapter 28

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Marco's POV

I just left the house and I am fucking raging mad. I can't believe she's blaming me for this. I did this to help her and that's the fucking thanks I get? Nah it's cool.

My ringing phone brings me from my trance and I look to see it's Andre's number.

"Talk." I answer.

"Where are you?" His voice comes out hoarse.

"On my way to see mom. Why?"

"Hurry u-" his voice cracks and his breathing is harsh.

"No, no. Andre you bet not be fucking playing with me." I shout in the phone and I'm met with silence.

I step on the gas and my heart pounds in my chest. I pull up at the hospital and grab my phone before rushing inside.

I find Andre in the waiting room with his head in his hands and I can feel my throat getting clogged up and my eyes filling with tears.

My phone leaves my hand and shatters against the wall infront of me. Andre's eyes shoot to mine and he gets up.

"Where is she Dre?" I shout

"They already took her to the morgue." his voice is barely audible.

"Stop fucking mumbling and speak up! Where the fuck is my mother? "

"They already took her to the morgue." He says louder and my body becomes tense with rage.

"You couldn't wait until I came to see my mother Andre?? You let them take her to the morgue" I can't believe he would let them take her before I said goodbye.

How could he be so inconsiderate? How would he feel if I did the same? It's like I did something wrong today and everyone is at me.

I storm out of the hospital blinking away the unshed tears. Since I can't see my mom I don't wanna see anybody.


It's been two days and nobody has seen or heard from Marco. He's gone completely MIA.

I'm aware that I acted like a fool with the entire Beyanka situation and that he was just trying to have my back. He was looking out for me and I cussed him out.

I wish he would just come home so I could correct my mistakes.

Marco's POV

I'm driving on the free way when a police signals me to pull over. I hope they make this quick because I don't have time for this.

"Good Afternoon sir. Do you know why I pulled you over?" The officer asks standing by my door.

"Because you think I'm cute an you wanna take me to red lobster?" I wink at him and he grunts.

I see from the corner of my eye hen he moves his leg and then steps back.

"I'll let you off with a warning." he states an I just drive off.

I floor the gas pedal trying to get off the road and unto deserted land. I swerve the car into park getting out and running.

I run as fast as I can but it wasn't fast enough. My car implodes into flames before it blows up and I feel something lodge itself into the back of my foot and it rips through my flesh and I literally feel it hit my bone.

A scream escapes me as I fall on my face. I lay panting and writhing in pain and I can feel myself bleeding out.

Damien and his little groupies must think I'm an idiot. I saw when that officer used his foot to attach the bomb to the bottom of my car.

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