Lazy Days

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*Harry's POV*
"Go shower, get dressed and all that now and then meet here outside the Fun Bus at 12. No later cause we need to transport you to the studio for your interview and then you're free to go off and have lunch and do whatever for the rest of the day. 12 sharp boys!" Paul laid out today's schedule emphasizing as always that we couldn't be late.

As there was only one shower we rotated the order in which we showered so no one was always left with cold water. And they were 10 minutes max or you were getting pulled out the shower ready or not. Unluckily for me it was my time to go last but it wasn't too bad as it was summer. Going last in winter time was literally a death wish, basically you begging for hypothermia. Although most of the time we tried to organize it so we didn't all have to shower at the same time, however we had only gotten on the bus late last night and no one was really in the mood as we were all pretty tired.

It was 12 and I was dressed in my usual black skinny jeans, a maroon jumper and black boots with a necklace thrown on on top. I didn't have enough time to properly dry my hair, having been the last to shower, so I quickly towel dried it as best I could and then threw on my favourite maroon beanie over my wet curls.

"Where's Louis?" Paul asked addressing us boys.

"Late as per usual," Niall quipped, "we should actually just always let him shower first. He's always the one we're waiting for."

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Louis hollered back from deep inside the tour bus. "I'm here, chill out," he stated appearing at the door.

"I showered last and I was still ready before you," I teased, throwing my arm around Lou's shoulder pulling him as we all walked together to the car.

"Hey I take long but I have to look good! Also I'm not the one with sopping hair," he teased, raising his eyebrow as he scanned my wet hair.

"Hey no one's going to see it under the beanie, plus tardiness is bad. I'm always on time and Paul said 12 sharp," I joked.

"Such an angel, Styles," he quipped. "It's not like we haven't waited for you for over on hour before," he replied bringing up my tendency to be late sometimes too.

"Hey hey that was one time okay!" I shot back defensively. "Plus I don't take long cause I'm obsessed over my appearance, I'm just hella lazy and never want to get ready," I laughed climbing into the car. Niall, Liam and Zayn sat in the very back while Louis and I took the two single seats.

An hour and a half later we had been released and we all decided to head out to Pizza Express to all get lunch together. Not really feeling up to facing all the crowds of fans who we had been warned about by security, we all decided to head back to our hotel booked for tonight and hang out there.

Since we had arrived in New York for our show the next night, we always stayed in hotels to give us a break from having to sleep on the bus. We all had our own separate rooms as they weren't very spacious, but we all decided to head over to Niall's to hang out.

We brought the Xbox up from the bus and spent the remainder of the day playing Fifa and GTA. At one point Paul had walked in bringing me a new phone. I thanked him and excused myself from the boys and headed back to my room to sort my phone out.

I turned my old phone on and it slowly came to life as it processed all the messages and missed calls. It froze for a good solid hour so I spent it setting up the new phone and changing the screensaver and all that. I chose a picture of me and Lou pulling a funny face. It was nearing the time when I had to head out for dinner with the boys so I didn't have enough time to transfer all my contacts. I threw on a shirt and changed my shoes to something more formal before scrolling through the contact list on my old phone, stopping when I found the specific number I was searching for. Haphazardly I copied it down into my new phone saving it under Kara. I had been "fooling around" you could say with her for a couple weeks now. Nothing serious however only a bit of fun. And moments later I was out the door and knocking of Niall's door signaling to the other boys it was time to go.

*Author's Note*
Okay, I'm kinda keeping chapters short so I can get more chapters out. I don't want anyone waiting on chapters cause they're taking so long to write. Also getting a bit of info into some of the stories to explain what goes on in the boys' lives. Getting near to the juicy part eek
Like and comment please - I wanna get to know you guys
- Trxylering

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