The few goes and they help the people out of the cars and to a saver spot.
Aphmau and Kala are doing paperwork at Aphmau's house for Asgard.
Laurence is still thinking if he should go ask Aphmau about the stuff he saw .
Cadenza is with garroth.
And he asked her to be he's girlfriend.Laurence goes to Aphmau house. And sees two people in there .
Is she cheating on ?Then the girl moved and you can see her face .(I forgot what Kala looks like😂)
Knocks on the doorAphmau
Hi Laurence how r u ?Laurence
I'm ok i guess.Aphmau
Something wrong what is it ?Aphmau
Do you want to break up?Laurence
You do don't you.
Will I hope you found someone wonderful.
Someone you really love not just there for something.Laurence
What could you want now ?Laurence
I wasn't going to break up with you lets just say I saw something I wasn't allowed to.Aphmau
What ?Laurence
I saw you and other people in suits saving
The town .Aphmau
Oh my goshKala
So are you going to tell him or am I ?Aphmau
I will but I don't think he can go to Asgard cause he's you know.Kala
Kala !!!Kala
Laurence I am a super hero and my dad is Thor and my mom is lady Irean . I am a leader of a group called the few that has all the super hero kids for example I'm lady Thor And This isKala
I'm Kala daughter of wolverineSly
Kala honey !Kala
Sly !!Aphmau
And that is my cousin sly son of iron man !Sly
Sly this is my boyfriend Laurence but I'm pretty sure after this I'm going to be a single lady .Sly
Always weirdKala
Weirdly amazing
Aphmau the spy (laurmau)
FanficAphmau dressed as a nerd but really she is a teenager spy . Her dad is the President . The popular boys saw her first Garroth and Dante are mean to her Laurence is nice but will a enemies spy come to the school at school hours ?