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I tried to stretch out a hand, no, paw to touch the fur, to see if it was real, but they were short and stubby and I couldn't reach my back. I grunted, but the sound came out as a half-whine, half-growl.

What the hell was happening to me?

I have heard of these creatures. Creatures who could shift into an animal at will.

Oh god, I should have known.

In first grade, when I tried to tell the teacher that I smelt an animal's scent nearby. She dismissed me with a wave of her hands.

Five minutes later, a monkey jumped into the classroom and terrorised half the class.

In third grade, when I tried to insist to Marge and Mary Winslow that I saw a deer in the woods when we were peering out the windows during break.

They never spoke to me after that.

When I was little, I was branded as a 'freak', a living, walking curse. Whatever bad thing I said came true. I was naive and desperate for a friend. I let the vindictive girls order me around. I let their scathing comments and disgusted glares get to me. I allowed them to make me cry bukets of tears at night, in my small and bumpy bed,where no one could hear.

Now I know better.

The metal barrier around me became harder and thicker with every insult, every abuse thrown towards me. Alongside, in my head, a warm voice guided me. It sounded just like my own, but wiser and warmer.

It's okay, Brie. I'm your friend.

Don't let them get the better of you, Brie. You are strong.

I will always be there for you, Brie.

This voice popped into my head again, as I was yowling and running around my room in circles.

"Took you long enough to shift, Dolly."

That voice sounded again in my head.

"Who are you?" I asked out loud. Somehow, I never had the thought to question this, assuming that everyone experienced it.

"Oh, Dolly, I am you." That voice hummed. "Well, a side of you, that is. Like Dr Jekyll and Hyde, only you are not as kind as Dr Jekyll and I am not evil like Hyde. Um, at least not that evil,"

"Okay." I mumbled. Questions were popping up in my mind so quickly that I couldn't follow. What am I? If I am this... This creature, are my family like me too?

"No, you are the only one, though this is very, very weird. Werewolves are born, but they can be made, though not many can survive the transition, especially not when you are so young."

"Yeah, whatever. Now I want to turn back into a human. This is disconcerting."

"Awwww, you are no fun."

Dealing with your alter ego is no fun either, especially when she is exactly like me. Scratch that, she is me.

"Just tell me!"

"Just imagine your fur shrinking, your legs elongating. Imagine your body as pliant as clay, and you are moulding it. Simple."

Following her instructions, I shifted back into a human.

"Wow, it sure felt weird and painful."

"Dolly, it happens to every werewolf for the first time they shift. Nothing to worry about."

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