Chapter 8

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I woke up at around 7 a.m. I looked over, and saw Henley was still asleep, so I quietly got up, and got what I needed for the day out of my suitcase. My makeup bag, my spandex, my black lace dress, my stockings, and my sandals. I walked out of the bedroom quietly, and into the bathroom. I didn't see if anyone was awake yet, I assumed not. I changed, brushed my hair, and put on my makeup. Not my usual routine, though. Glittery black cat-eyes, berry lipstick, and an orangeish gold eyeshadow base. 

I opened the bathroom door, and I immediately saw that Daniel was no longer sleeping on the couch. I walked back into the bedroom, and set my clothes on top of my suitcase. I walked back out of the bedroom, and clung to the wall as I peeked around the corner. I saw Daniel standing on the balcony. He too was dressed for the day, wearing a black dress coat, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. Damn, I thought. I walked out into the living room, and towards the balcony. Once I reached the door, I slid it open, and stepped out. 

Daniel heard the door open, and he turned around. "Mornin-whoa," he breathed. He examined my appearance. I gave him a look that asked Well? What do you think? "Vous regardez comme la plus belle femme sur le visage de cette terre," he spoke in perfect French. (A/N: Google translate it, it's actually accurate)

I don't speak much French, but I recognized the word belle, which means beautiful, and my cheeks started to heat up. "Thank you. Not too fancy?"

"It's perfect."

"Thank you, Daniel. You don't look bad yourself. You speak French?"

"A little bit. I remember some from high school," he explained. I nodded, and stood next to him for a while, before he spoke up. "Can I ask something?"


"I'm not going to force you to answer, but when you were in high school, did you ever think about killing yourself?"

"I did. I almost attempted it, but the day before I was going to, one of our classmates killed themselves. Then I decided that my school couldn't lose 2 students in 2 days by suicide, so I didn't." I looked back at the man, and he was looking at me, with care in his eyes. 1. 2. 3.

"Can I ask how you intended on-"

"That's not something I want to talk about," I cut in, and I looked down at the ground. 


I looked at my phone. It was 8:15. "We should wake the others, Etienne will be arriving to our destination in an hour and 15 minutes."

"Right. You wake the boys I've got Henley."


Jack and I waited for Etienne at the bottom of the staircase. Jack had a folded up flyer in his palm, and an earpiece in his ear. I got his measurements, Henley's voice said.

Excellent. Jack, Lana, you're up. Lana, we'll meet you at the Bercy station, Daniel's voice said over the earpiece. 

"Got it," I answered, and the 2 of us separated. Jack went up the stairs, and I walked towards the metro, which was just about to pull up. I passed through the gates, and got onto the train just as it pulled in. All but 1 row of 2 seats was taken, and I sat myself down next to the window. I pulled out the deck of Las Vegas playing cards. I started doing some card flourishes, and closed my eyes, leaving them cracked to see out of the corner of my eye when Etienne would approach me.

After a short moment, I saw 2 legs stop beside me, and turn to me. Nothing was said, but I could feel him watching. I tried my hardest not to grin, so I started humming Bohemian Rhapsody, which I knew was a favorite song of his, after hacking his ITunes account and saw that the song had almost 3 times more listens than all of the other songs he's downloaded. Then I heard him clear his throat. I stopped my flourish during the middle of a 3-packet-cut, opened my eyes, and looked at the man.

I See You Now(J. Daniel Atlas) - A Now You See Me FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now