The most strangest thing happed

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Still Lizzie's POV
D- Dallas Li- Lizzie L- Liam

D- A timeline changer way would something like this be in my backyard and how DID you guys get here.
D- Ooooooohhh
L- did you forget
D- yes
Li- ok well let's go play so FNAF AND UNDERTALE YAAAAAA
D- ok

~~~~~~~2 days later (magical time skip of BOB)~~~~~~~~~~
Dallas POV

I was sitting in my room trying to get this timeline changer thing to work, I pressed a button and it started to glow so I went over to Lizzie house and invite Liam over to Lizzie's house
Liam POV
I was on my coach watching Attack on Titan when I heard someone knock on the door. I was walking over to the door but me brother Wyatt beat me to it and opened the door.
Wyatt POV
Yes I beat Liam to the door. I open the door to find Dallas at the door Gram came up for behind Mr and we called to Liam in a singly voice HEY LIAM YOUR GIRLFRIEND ID HERE COME A SEE HER we said in unison. Liam stomped over and pushed us out of the way
Dallas POV
The door opened and I saw Wyatt and Gram they yell to get Liam in a weird way, HEY LIAM YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS HERE COME AND SEE HER, they said in unison then I heard stomping coming and Liam pushed them away.
D- Dallas l- liam li- Lizzie
D- hey Liam can I talk to you outside really quick.

L- ok so what do you what do you want to talk about

D-I found out how to us the timeline changer!

L- really .

D- lets go to Lizzie's so I can tell you guys how to us it

L- ok

Skip to when they are at Lizzie's and Dallas is down explaining how to us it.

LI- can we us it right now plz.

D- how a bout we wait till the end of tomorrow.

LI- ok

L-I got to go bye.

D-I think I should go to and I'm going to being this with me.

At school
Dallas POV

We were walking in the halls to are next class when I saw a sigh that said Talent show tonight, Lizzie said I should sing up for the talent show so I did and Liam is doing it with me cause I have stage fright and I think we are singing never seem to let you go I like that song.

Sorry to lazy and sleepy

Dallas POV

Wine we were done with are song Lizzie seemed to have some type of neckless. Hey Lizzie is that your neckless. Umm I found it on the ground it seems to glow when I rube my finger over it. Guys there calling the winners. And the winners are.......Dallas and Liam congratulation you to, the anoncer said. YAAAAAAAA,Dallas and Liam said in unison. We as walking home and Lizzie is waring the neckless. Heh you must really like that neckless. YES ITS GREEN IT MAY FAVORITE COLOUR AND GREEN IS NOT A CREATIVE COLOUR,Lizzie yelled at the top of her lungs. Me and Liam start to crack up laughing are heads off and so did Lizzie. When we were done laughing Lizzie's neckless started to glow and then Lizzie started to glow to and I think that Lizzie just found out she might have......

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