We'll Meet Again

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~12th June 1836~

I crouched on the cold stone of the mansion dining hall floor, panting, trying to catch my breath. I gripped the holy sword in my right hand tightly, my knuckles starting to turn white (which considering my already-beyond-pale skin tone is quite an achievement). Where the hell was Michael? We had agreed to split up, go round separate sides and meet in the middle, killing any of the damned creatures we saw on the way. I glanced around the room cautiously checking for anything unusual but I couldn't see or sense anything out of the ordinary. In fact the room was so normal it seemed almost too normal. The doors behind me creaked open causing chills to run down my spine and a cold bead of sweat to drip down my forehead; a vampire had just entered the room. I stood up fast and turned to face the damnable creature, pointing my sword in its direction.

When I turned to face it I saw that it was carrying Michael over its shoulder, blood staining his mouth and wearing an outfit of noble decor. "What have you done to him, you vile creature?" I spat not letting him or Michael leave my sight. I raised my sword slightly higher as he took a step towards me. "What? You mean this?" he asked as he picked Michael up by his collar. "Well I got sooo hungry." he smirked, throwing him to the ground in front of me where I then saw his lifeless eyes and the puncture wounds on his neck. "Michael..." I whispered sadly and displayed a moment of weakness I will never forget and will regret forever. I dropped my sword and ran to my brothers side. A single tear fell down my cheek as I collapsed beside him. I forgot all about the present threat of the vampire.

"Aww how sweet. Isn't this moment so touching?" the vampire said whilst grinning at me evilly. I looked up from my brothers corpse to find the vampire was now behind me. He grabbed my hair and yanked back hard so my jugular was clean on display. "You see the thing is I'm still hungry and quite bored but I want you to give a message so here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to change you so I can see what happens." he whispered as his fangs elongated and grazed my neck. "Say goodbye to humanity." he hissed and bit down harshly causing me to scream out in pain. He drank my blood and made me drink some of his because by then I was too weak to even speak. "My name is Erik and I am your maker. Remember it." he growled as he disappeared into the shadows and then I blacked out.

I woke up a few hours later and immediately noticed something felt off and I could tell why. I had been made into a vampire, the scum of the earth, a vile bloodsucking leech, whatever you wish to call them I was now one too. I pulled up my coats collar, picked up my brother carefully and placed him over my shoulder, then I bent down to pick up my sword. My holy sword. It started burning my hand as soon as I picked it up, all the more proof I was a monster, I ignored the pain and quickly sheathed my sword. I swiftly exited the ruined mansion and headed back to the church, our base camp sort of place. I guess that was one good thing about being one of them now, I could get back to base very fast.

I walked into the church and felt the uncomfortable presence of many things that could destroy my very existence, must be a vampire natural instinct thing. I gritted my teeth and grabbed my left side with my right hand feigning an injury. "Master Gerard are you alright?" one of the younger hunters asked. "I'm fine but I shall be with the professor and no one is to interrupt us alright? Can you tell the others not to disturb us?" I asked smiling warmly yet sadly to the kid. He was just a young boy probably of no more than sixteen, he shouldn't be here. "Of course." he nodded and ran off to spread the news whilst I went straight to the professors room.

It was a mess, there was seriously no other way to describe it. I locked the door behind me and lay Michaels body on one of the beds, you see he was also the main doctor. "Ah Gerard! How may I help you?" he smiled brightly as he turned and saw me. His gaze wondered to my brother "My sincerest condolences." he whispered and placed a warm hand on my shoulder. I removed my coat and placed it over Michael. "Gerard you..." he started but I cut him off "I know. I'm disgusting now. You can do reincarnation spells though can't you? Please use one on me and Michael! We both know I can't hunt without him here even if the vampire hadn't got me!" I begged to him. "Very well but you do realise the curse will still stay with you don't you?" he asked as he began to set up his things for the spell. "I realise that but maybe in the time me and Michael are reborn into there will be a cure." I pointed out. He sighed "So nothing will change your mind then. Same as always." he smiled.

I lay down next to Michael so the professor could complete the spell and just as the life faded from my body I heard Erik's voice in my head saying "We'll meet again, Gerard, I promise. We'll meet again."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2016 ⏰

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