Chapter 2

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Justin and I hung out for a little while longer watching the Titanic since it was the only interesting thing on television at the moment. I started falling asleep on his shoulder

"Fuck! It's late, I gotta go my mom is probably shitting her pants knowing I'm not home. I'll see you in school?'' He asked me and I nodded, "Here give me your phone." I said and I noticed it was in his pants pocket, so I went to grab it out of there.

I punched in my number and saved it.

"Text me." I whispered and then walked him to the door. "Good night, Justin."

He winked and jogged right next door to the next house. I shut the door, ran upstairs and screamed in my pillow. He is so hot!

I walked to my bed, stripping my clothes, just before turning off the light, i saw Justin taking of his shirt. I didn't notice i was staring until he waved his hand thru the window making me blush. Ive never blushed for ANY guy. I quickly closed my window and laid down on my bed, thinking about... Him


"Johnson! You're late to class again." I heard Mr.Caruso's annoying voice ring through my ears

"This is where I tell my lame excuse, this is me walking away," I rolled my eyes walking to my seat, "This is me pretending to understand your mini lecture," I smile at him, "and this is me smiling pretending like I'm listening and me saying, 'Sorry Mr.Caruso, won't happen again' and this is you continuing with your teaching."

I said looking down at my desk and noticing that Justin was in my class. He was smiling at me, and I looked down at my shoes. I sat in the back of the room, and I noticed that everyone was actually in class. I looked to my side and saw Dan, the school nerd sitting next to me.

A complete nerd, but He's cute don't get me wrong, but I don't fuck cute guys, I just fuck hot guys. My phone buzzed and I looked at the screen.

(1) New Message : (319) 444-1256

Look what the cat dragged in.

I smirked and wrote back.

To Justin: Eh, whatever bitch.

I turned my phone on silent and saw the screen flash.

(1) New Message: Justin

This is a stupid class though, fancy that we have it together (;

To Justin: Did you really just say fancy?

(1) New Message: Justin

Yeah, I did. Last night, we got pretty close (; but I want to know more about you. Can we actually talk?

To Justin: I suppose... (;

"Put the phone away Johnson." Mr.Caruso yelled at me and I rolled my eyes, ''Did someone shit in your cereal?" I said and Some people snickered

"Johnson. Go to the office." Mr.Caruso took a deep breath and pointed to the door

"Justin was texting too!" I said turning to Justin who was slowly looked up from his phone

"You're fucking with me, right?" Justin snapped squinting an eye

''Now! The both of you!" He finnaly says impatiently

"Alright alright." I put my hands up in surrender and grabbed my stuff, I hurried passed him glaring and walked out. Last night he didn't have that much sleep and obviously it showed. Mr.Caruso and I have this weird relationship, I was comfortable swearing at him and to joke around with him but today he was just not feeling it.

We both walked out, justin grabbed my arm and pushed me onto the lockers "Are you kidding me?!" He clenched his jaw surrounding me with both his strong arms on either side of me

"What? I just wanted you to come with me" I said innocently while caressing his waist

"Whatever" He rolled his eyes and let me go, going to the office

"Meet you there!" I yelled To Justin. I stopped at my locker to put some lipgloss on and slammed it shut when I was done.

I was walking to the office slowly when I felt someone wrap their hands around my waist. I turned around and saw Ryan "hey" I leaned up and kissed his cheek then I realized what he did to me last night and was pissed. I backed up and began to walk away.

"Yo, where the fuck you going?" Ryan angrily said to me.

"You ditched me last night." I simply said

"Oh god really! I'll make it up to you" He suggested opening his arms "No, I have to go to the office."

"Whatever Aimee, fuck you." He hissed and walked away

Fuck you too.

I walked into the office and took a seat next to Justin and put my head down

"What happened?" He asked putting an arm around my shoulder and looking into my eyes. And i instantly felt something. Well I wouldn't say that I felt something... Well maybe I did. Was it a... Nah!

"We'll it's just tha-" I looked up to see the principal clearing his throat. i dont even know his name. it's not like he does anything any how. All day he sits in his office and stuff his face with other teachers food from the teachers lounge. Cant say i haven't caught him because i have "Now you two have indoor and after school detention for texting and disrespect. Your time starts... He looked down at his watch "Now" he pointed to the room and we grabbed our things and walked in "Now, no talking, and no texting."


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