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A/N : So I looked around on here and it turns out that there are no Delaska fics, which is so weird so I decided to write my own. Hopefully you don't find it too shitty.

"Why are your eyes all red?" RuPaul asked a crying Adore in the middle of the workroom. Adore had finally reached her breaking point, and everyone in the room could tell. Adore had never felt so small. She could feel the camera lenses staring down at her. She just wanted to run away. Adore talked to Ru in between sobs. She could see the other girls watching her out of the corner of her eye.
"Is there anything I could say to make you change your mind? Because I will say it."
Adore shook her head solemnly. "I love you like a family figure." Her voice cracked, "I am so grateful to you for giving me this opportunity, but I have to go."
Ru gave Adore a hug, and sent her away to see Michelle outside, to see if she would be able to talk her out of leaving. Ru walked over to the corner of the workroom, where Alaska was getting into her drag ready for the snatch game.
Alaska really didn't want to be standing here talking to Ru in front of all of the cameras. What she really wanted to do was check on Adore and make sure that she was okay. She didn't know where this overwhelming protective feeling for Adore had come from. She came into this competition with one goal - to win. But somehow she had completely forgotten all about it when she saw Adore upset. She was becoming conscious that everything coming out of her mouth when Ru was talking to her was about Adore. She was relieved when Ru changed the subject to the topic of snatch game. Alaska finished taking to Ru, which seemed to go on forever. She turned her attention back to the blonde Mae West wig that she was preparing, and tried to get her mind away from Adore.

Adore returned about half an hour later. Her eyes were more red than they had been when Ru was talking to her, and it was obvious that she had been crying before she came back into the workroom. Alaska felt her stomach drop, as if she had been punched in the gut. The cameramen turned their cameras back to Adore. It still shocked Alaska that they never seemed to ask anyone before they filmed them crying, or in such a state as Adore. She guessed that that was just how the industry of showbusiness went.
"Um, so I've decided that I don't think it's right for me to be here. I've spoken to Michelle and Ru. I'm going to leave."
Alaska felt tears threatening to form in her eyes, and she started blinking and readjusting her false lashes, pretending they were hurting her eyes.
"Are you sure?" Katya asked. "Are you sure you won't regret leaving?"
Adore shook her head silently, before breaking down in tears.
Alaska walked over to stand in front of Adore. She wrapped her arms around her, embracing her in a hug.
"We'll miss you." She said, her voice cracking. 'I'll miss you.' She thought to herself.

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