#1 JJ

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This is you^^^You were walking to the sidemen house as you only live a couple minutes away

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This is you^^^
You were walking to the sidemen house as you only live a couple minutes away. You were going to surprise jj as he has been away for a while and you haven't had the chance to see him yet
You knock on the door and hope that JJ doesn't answer. Fortunately Simon answers the door, you tell him the plan and he nods. Simon calls JJ down as you hide then as he reaches the bottom and goes to Simon you run upstairs into his room and you hide in his closet.
     You hear JJ come back into his room so you go silent. Simon comes in and tells him to look in his closet
JJ: I swear to god if it's another cardboard cutout of me..
Simon: it's not...well...just check you damn closet
JJ: ok.ok
He opens it and you jump into his arms. ' omg (y/n)' JJ shouts 'hey babe I missed you' said and then you shared a long passionate kiss until Simon decided awkwardly cough which completely ruined the moment but you just laugh it off whereas JJ says you have 3 seconds to run. Then he chases him around the house. You just sigh then laugh and join in. You and JJ are then just chilling in his bed while watching 'white chicks' you and JJ are laughing so hard when JJ turns to face you and says ' (y/n) you don't understand how much I love you it's unreal when I'm not around I'm not as happy as I usually am and I wanna stay with you forever!' you're so shocked but really happy aswell tears fill your eyes as you say 'JJ I'm in love with you that much I can never stop. even if we don't up together forever I will always love you' JJ gets up and goes to his draw, he gets something out of it and you try to see what it is but he puts it behind his back. He gets on one knee and you get really nervous. Suddenly all the boys come in and stand by the door smiling like idiots. JJ then starts talking ' look (y/n) I'm not asking you to marry me as much as I would love to do that I think we are a little to young, but I am going to give this. This is a promise ring. I promise to do my best to make you happy, to give you what you need, I promise to love you forever. So will take this ring and promise to love me?' tears are spilling out your eyes as you nod your head while saying 'yes, forever and always JJ' he smiles and puts the ring on your finger

 So will take this ring and promise to love me?' tears are spilling out your eyes as you nod your head while saying 'yes, forever and always JJ' he smiles and puts the ring on your finger

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You and JJ fall asleep in each other's arms. When you wake up in the morning you go to the cupboard, grab a towel and then jump in the shower which is in JJ's bathroom. After you showered you dry your hair and then straighten it. You move onto you makeup then decide on an outfit. Considering like half of your wardrobe is at the sidemen house you have alot to choose from. You end up deciding on:

You figured you would have a lazy day with all of the boys

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You figured you would have a lazy day with all of the boys. Considering JJ is still asleep and it's 11:30am. You go get Tobi and Simon to help you fill a giant bucket of ice cold water. Once you guys filled it you bring it upstairs. You and Simon stand on the bed and get ready to tip it while Tobi gets his phone out ready to record. He gives us a thumbs up meaning his ready. You count to 3 with Simon and tip the water all over JJ. He screams and jumps up. You and Simon fall off the bed from laughing. JJ looks at you and smirks. 'what are you smirking a out' you ask. He laughs and hugs you. 'ew JJ get off me you're so wet and cold' you say. He just laughs but then gets off you. You all decide to go out for lunch so you need to change again! It's really hot outside so you decide to put on:

 You all decide to go out for lunch so you need to change again! It's really hot outside so you decide to put on:

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You all head out to in'n'out and messed around. You nearly got kicked out because Simon and Harry started throwing chips and let's just say it escalated. You were walking home with the guys but you got a face time request from your best friend (y/b/n):

^^your best friends new hair^^Ybn: hey girl heyY: omg your hair looks gorgeousYbn: thanks, any news with you?Y: *shows hand to camera* JJ gave me a promise ring!!Ybn: omg omg omg that's amazing let me know when the wedding is cause it will be lit!...

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^^your best friends new hair^^
Ybn: hey girl hey
Y: omg your hair looks gorgeous
Ybn: thanks, any news with you?
Y: *shows hand to camera* JJ gave me a promise ring!!
Ybn: omg omg omg that's amazing let me know when the wedding is cause it will be lit!!
Y: you really know how to make me laugh but this isn't an engagement ring
Ybn: I know that but you guys will get married you're perfect for each other b
Y: thanks babes, look I've got to go but I will definitely call soon!!
Ybn: ok bye bab
Y: bye

-----30 mins later -------
You and the guys were really bored so you decided to have a nerf battle! There was two teams your team and JJs team. You guys were the captain's and the rest of the guys stood in a line waiting to be picked just like what they used to do at primary school.
Your team ended up being:
Joe Weller
Caspar Lee

JJs team:

Joe Sugg made sure no one was cheating. After an hour of playing your team ended up winning. It's getting late so you decide to go home. You said good-bye to everyone and JJ a kiss goodbye. You get home and head thinking about how happy you are.

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