Chapter 9

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Opening: Lena kiss Zipper right away so the girls rushed home and into their rooms. It's Sunday Morning.


Emily knocked on the door and Lisa opened the door with a dirty mood.

Lisa: What do u want?

Emily: Come on I want to show you something. They were at Emily's house and Zach, Zipper, Lisa,Lena, Trinity, Chloe, and Audrey were there.

Emily: I want to show u a video so please watch!

It was an embarrassing video of Lisa and Lisa was about to cry so she ran out the door. Lena told Zach and Zipper to stay and let her handle it.

Zach was about to go over to Emily until... Laura: What the hell? Why did u do that to my best friends huh?

Yay Laura to the rescue!

Emily: She deserves it!

Laura puts in a video of Emily bullying people. Zach was in shocked and he walked outside as well as Zipper.

Emily: Why did u do this? crying in tears.

Laura: Now u know how it feels.Emily walked away while Laura went outside!

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