With Sesshomaru and Jaken
'Today Inuyasha is letting Rin fight a demon by the edge of the Inuyasha forest. It's been 10 years since I left Rin with Inuyasha and Kagome' Sesshomaru thought to himself.
" Rin's birthday is in two weeks, she will be 18 right? jaken" he said to jaken, the little imp looked up at his lord "Yes my lord." sesshomaru walk over to Ah Un and mounted them.
"Mi'lord what are you doing?" Jaken asked.
"I am going to see her"Sesshomaru stated.
At this answer Jaken was dumbfounded but still jumped on the back of Ah Uh behind Sesshomaru. Every time I go to check on Rin we always pass a cliff at the end of the Inuyasha Forest, I never payed much attention to it but this time I did. For the first time in a long while I was shocked and afraid, Inuyasha was fighting a demon as big as my true form, But what made me afraid was the strong stench of Rin's blood. Without me knowing it I had jumped down on to the cliff, killed that demon and had pinned Inuyasha to a huge rock.
"WHY THERE A STRONG SMELL OF RIN'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE?! WHERE IS SHE INUYASHA!!!" I yelled out of anger. Even though I was furious with the bastard his face was priceless.
"SESSHOMARU CALM DOWN!! As for rin.."Inuyasha stopped mid sentence which made even more mad.
"INUYASHA SPIT IT OUT OR I WILL END YOU" I said in a cold voice.
"...she's over there" Inuyasha said pointing to the end of the cliff.
When I turn my head my heart stops, about 20 feet away is the mangled body of Rin. I drop Inuyasha, in two seconds i'm by her side assessing the damage hoping she isn't dead. Once I see her breathing i let out a sigh of relief.
I carefully cradle her in my arms and fly back to kaede's hut in the village, with Inuyasha close behind.

love never fades
Fanfictionsesshomaru left rin in with Keade 10 years ago now when rin is of age she goes on her first hunt with inuyasha and the others but what happens when rin gets hurt and sesshomaru's pissed! not completed but please read thanx!