Chapter 2

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Niall's pov

"All done.." I sighed as I looked at Greg. I had done his hair for him. Not that there was much to do with it though. It's even shorter then mine. Greg gave a slow thankfull nod. He looked pale and stressed and there were so many people with him right now. Parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, everyone was fearing to lose the ones they loved most. I sighed softly and walked over to my bedroom as I changed myself. I noticed mom sitting on the couch staring at the pictures on the wall. I can't help it but be angry at her. Ever since dad died she barely talked or did everything to help me and Greg deal with the loss of our dad. "Maybe you should get ready." I couldn't possibly have sound any more harsh. She looked up at me and gave a slow nod, which immediately made me feel bad. I sighed softly. I don't know wether I'm dissapointed or angry about the way she acts, but I don't really have time to think about that right now. 

I dressed myself slowly as I sighed and did my hair. "Niall..? We have to go.." Greg said as he entered the bathroom I had moved to. He was even more pale then before. "Alright.." I said softly as I followed him outside where my mom was already waiting. We walked to the square. Normally it was full off stalls as people sold stuff, but today there was a massive stage with two tables. A big glass boil filled with papers on each one. One boil contained the names of boys with the age of twelve to fifteen. The other one filled with names of the boys from sixteen to eightteen. The boil my name was in sereval times.. Now you could also volunteer. Which never happend in this district before. It was pretty much sending yourself off to death really. It didn't matter wether you belonged to the youngest or oldest. I, for example, belong to the oldest, but could volunteer for someone who belonged to the group of youngest people. I bit my name nervously as I spotted Zayn walking to the section for eightteen years olds at the back of the square. Each age category had an own square to say so. The youngest closest to the stage. Greg pulled my sleeve nervously as I smiled slightly at him. We both said bye to our mom as we walked over to the desk. They had to note everyone's names down to make sure everyone was there. I helped Greg as I brought him to his square and hugged him as I walked to my own. I didn't like there were so many peacekeepers around here. It wasn't like something was going to happen. Everyone was too scared to actually do something.

I was so taken away by my thoughts that I hadn't even noticed a woman in bright coloured clothes was walking onto the stage. "Attention attention!" Her voice caused me to snap back to reality as I looked at her. Perrie Edwards. Her hair appeared pink this year and to each person in a district she looked compeetly ridiculious. I had to admit I was impressed by her eyelashes though, I've never seen ones that long. "Good afternoon everyone! Welcome at the 74th hunger games!" She yelled into the microphone and eventhough everyone was on the square (unless they couldn't by illness or pregnancy) I was sure it could be heard through the whole district. A movie started playing showing what had happend in the war 74 years ago. It happend every year. People pretending to pay attention while actually, they were taken away by their own thoughts and fear. 

"Oh well!" Perrie yelled when the movie came to an end. "Let's see who are our tributes for this year, right?!" She yelled so happy that I swore she had to be pretending. "Let's start with the youngest." Like every year.. I don't even know why they kept repeating saying the same stuff every year, not like I could do much about it though, but this wasn't some talent show. It wasn't like the outcome would make you rich and famous. This outcome would make you a deadman. I watched her walk over to the boil as she held her hand above it. "And remember... May the odds be ever in your favor." With that her hand slipped down into the glass boil and picked out a card. The walked back to the microphone standard and put it back in. To be honest I have no idea how she even managed to walk on those shoes (which looked ridiculious too by the way) and I'll probably never know. "Oeh!" She sqwuaked excited. 

"Greg Horan."

My mind went blank. How was that possible?! His name was only in the boil once! Peacekeepers walked into his direction as they told him to walk along. I didn't exactly know what happend, but I started running. Other peacekeepers noticed and came into my direction. "No! No stop it!" I screamed. Hands got laid on my body as I got pulled back, but I kept struggeling. I could feel everyone looking at me, but I only had eye for my little brother getting dragged onto the stage in compleet shock. I could see his legs shaking. He could barely stand on them. Not to start talking about how pale he had turned. I couldn't believe he could possibly be any more pale then this morning. I just got proved wrong though.

"I volunteer!"

I screamed using all the air in my lungs as I slapped the men's hands of me untill I was properly standing onto the ground. I kept pushing around me untill I was compleetly released from the men around me wearing the uniforms that compleetly freaked me out. Then I spoke the words I hoped never to speak out:

"I volunteer as tribute."

Chapter 2 (: What did you guys think of it? Please let me know in the comments!

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